Cardinal, Silver, Bronze

42 current or former Cardinals are competing in this year’s Olympics.

True story: last night Andrew was over at our house and mentioned that one of his advisees (Dana Kirk) is competing in the 200m women’s butterfly tomorrow. “I tell her what classes to take.”

That’s kind of wild.

It reminds me of one of my all-time favorite Stanford stories.

Some athletes are in a study group discussing their plans over break. One says he’s heading to Cancun. Another mentions that he’s going hiking in the mountains. The last guy says he’s going to the Masters.

One of the other atheletes knows how hard it is to get tickets, so he asks, “Man, how did you score tickets to the Masters? That’s hard to do.”

The last guy: “Dude, I’m playing.”

“Oh. I knew you were good, Tiger. I didn’t know you were that good.”

note: that’s a true story, but I can’t find the exact reference and so I made up some details.

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