A Blatant Attempt to Get Linked By Listing Blogs I Love

Some blogs I read, along with a shameless attempt to catch Mean Dean’s attention.

Here, in a blatant attempt to get linked, I’d like to mention a blog that I’ve been reading with great enjoyment for some time now: Heal Your Church Website by Mean Dean Peters.

He muses on church websites, how to make them better, and all sorts of other issues pertaining to the web (particularly the Christian corners of it). Here’s my little blurb about it (for his blurb contest): he’s a veritable microcelebrity among Christian webheads. (How’s that, Dean? note: Dean got back to me and would prefer something describing his site: try a haven from the Jesus junk cluttering the web, or an irresistible magnet for Christian webheads, or casting down every vain website that makes people think Christians are lame, or wherein a microcelebrity among Christian webheads preaches good design, or giving Christian websites a baptism of fire, or perhaps even goading Christian sites to move beyond spinning crosses. But here’s my fave: wherein a Christian webhead does battle with the forces of kitsch)

FYI: here are some other blogs I try to check on a regular basis (no particular order):
Jordon Cooper: cool Canadian minister
Andrew Careaga: author of several books & a Charismatic youth pastor I met at a conference
Nicholette Lockwood: a student from our last campus ministry (read her testimony).
Joshua Sargent: an AG pastor who stumbled across my blog
Wil Wheaton: yes, he used to play Wesley Crusher on Star Trek. No, he’s not a Christian. I just find him interesting.
Richard & Christie Browne: friends from Missouri
Joel on Software: I just like this guy’s approach to programming

And two metablogs that I visit:
Blogs 4 God: a cool collection of Christian blogs
blogdex: I’m just fascinated by this tool. It’s the Yahoo! Buzz of blogs.

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