Thursday’s Child Has Far to Go…

Paula and I went to see the doctor today, and we’re going to have labor induced this Thursday.

Pretty strange to think about, that we can schedule that. There is the chance that she’ll come early, but the doctor didn’t seem to expect it.

Expect some good news and a photo soon!

Let’s just hope the poem is wrong…

Monday’s Child is fair of face
Tuesday’s Child is full of grace
Wednesday’s Child is full of woe
Thursday’s Child has far to go
Friday’s Child is loving and giving
Saturday’s Child works hard for a living
But the child that is born on the Sabbath day
Is bonny and blithe and good and gay.

Then again, I’m not sure what that means. Thursday’s Child has far to go in order to reach what destination?

Could be worse, I suppose–we could have induced on Wednesday.

On a completely unrelated note, I was very disappointed earlier today. John Ortberg is the teaching pastor at Menlo Park Presbyterian Church, which is about two blocks from my apartment. He’s also considered one of the best preachers in America.

Well, I’m always trying become a better preacher, so I emailed him and asked to interview him about the sermon preparation and delivery process (which I was planning to encode in MP3 format and upload to a website, probably Reach The U).

After a few days he emailed me back and declined, citing a busy teaching schedule. I was pretty bummed. I suppose I half expected it–for all he knows I’m some whacko–but it’s still disappointing. I consider him a professional role model, and so it would have been nice to meet him and figure out how he does what he does.

Maybe it will work out someday. I used to have a lot of success at meeting people I esteemed (or was just curious about), but my last few attempts have bombed (Doug Fields, Dan Betzer, Dan Kimball, and now John Ortberg).

3 thoughts on “Thursday’s Child Has Far to Go…”

  1. ref letter posted 22 march 2004
    try to stop looking at the what could have been, look forward to what could be?
    when we look to others they can can come between us and the ones we are there to serve.

    i have a habit of meeting people who others would give their right to know without trying.
    last march met bishop evans kisekka at london airport. he told me that the children had started
    to lead worship and through them healings and words are happening. listen to the children, there is a need to have the grace that eli had when God spoke to samual.

    in christ

  2. Keep preaching the Gospel. There is no greater place than a college campus that needs to hear the word of our Lord Jesus Christ. Stay encouraged!
    p.s. What day WAS your child born on? Boy or girl?

  3. Hey, I had heard the verse by Rachel Sturges about Thursday’s child and I thought about it today and I ran acrossed your site. Just thought I would reply with an awnser to your question about where thursday’s child has to go. Everybody can develop their own meaning but heres mine.
    On Thursday Feb. 24th 2005 my first child,a boy, William John Bernards, was born 3 months early. He weighs 2 pounds and as of now he’s doing fine. He is my awnser for Thursday’s child. Right now they are expecting him to stay in the ICU for at least 3 months.
    Anyway, I just thought I would request that you keep him in your prays and I will keep yours and all children in mine.

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