Dr. Dana

I’m a little under the weather today (I have this really painful cough that kept me up most of the night) and Dana noticed that I was rubbing my eyes at lunch. The following dialog ensued:

Dana: “Watchoo doing?”
Daddy: “Daddy’s sick and tired, and he’s trying to feel better.”
Dana: “You wanna feel much better?”
Daddy: “Yes, Daddy would really like to feel much better.”
Dana: “You want some diaper cream?”

Bless her heart.

2 thoughts on “Dr. Dana”

  1. Glen,

    Hope you are feeling better, did the diaper cream work? We knew that Dana was a very smart little girl.

  2. Glen
    Hope you are better. Listen to the doctor. You are lucky she didn’t pat you on the back and say “All better, now.”


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