Booze, the Bible, and Bad Theology

As I promised in last night’s message Booze, The Bible, & Bad Theology, here are some resources outlining what the Bible says about fermented beverages.

* First, a list of every passage in the Bible that discusses alcohol.
* Daniel Whitfield has a good essay Alcohol and the Bible–well worth reading.
* Daniel Wallace wrote The Bible and Alcohol, an extremely helpful article from a very solid scholar.
* The Christian Counterculture project has an insightful collection of articles in their What Would Jesus Drink? collection.

There is diversity within the Christian camp on this issue, and a simple google search will find arguments from all corners. The ones I listed above are the ones I find most credible.

UPDATE: I just ran across a fascinating article at Christianity Today that gives a solid historical overview — Amassed Media: The Drink Debate.

Retreat Rocked

College Winter Retreat was great, but I’m just now recovering from all the work. I was really pleased with out everything turned out. Our speaker, Sam Huddleston, really connected with the students and challenged them deeply. The students were responsive to the challenge and were touched by God. Everything was good! Numbers were up (a lot), the location was phenomenal, and the core goals were accomplished. Woohoo!

You can check out our retreat photos–some of them are quite good.

Off to Retreat

I’m coordinating the district college winter retreat this weekend, so Paula and I are heading up today to start getting stuff set up.

I’m pretty excited–our attendance is up by about 60% over last year and so it feels like we have a lot of momentum going into it.

On a more personal note, around half of our Stanford Chi Alpha group will be heading up. Paula and I are deeply excited about that. In our experience, few things cause a group to bond as much as a road trip to and from retreat along with all the fun things that happen while there.

Flannery O’Connor on writing Christian fiction

Take heed, all you budding novelists — Flannery O’Connor has shown the way! Read all about it in O’Connor v. the Antichrist.

A few quotes from O’Connor taken from the essay:

“If you live today you breathe in nihilism. In or out of the Church, it’s the gas you breathe. If I hadn’t had the Church to fight it with or to tell me the necessity of fighting it, I would be the stinkingest logical positivist you ever saw right now.”

In her most famous statement about her work, she explained that “to the hard of hearing you shout, and for the almost-blind you draw large and startling figures.”

“All my stories,” she wrote, “are about the action of grace on a character who is not very willing to support it.”

O’Connor once wrote that “more than ever now it seems that the kingdom of heaven has to be taken by violence, or not at all. You have to push as hard as the age that pushes against you.”

Check out the essay (or at least check out some of O’Connor’s books).

Happy New Year

Paula and I got back from our holiday travels yesterday. We’ve been busy little bees.

We visited San Diego with Brian and Cecilee Orme (they lead Chi Alpha in Salt Lake City) and had a blast! We were actually working (inspecting potential conference sites), but it was a lot of fun.

Then we got home, finished our Christmas shopping, and hopped on a plane to New Orleans Christmas Eve. We had a great time with our families (and they had a good time examining Paula’s pregnant belly), and then turned around and came home.

If you’ve emailed me in the last two weeks, rest assured that I’ll get back to you. I have a few hundred messages to plow through, so it may take a little while.

Happy New Year!