T‑Shirts On Campus Today

While tabling on campus today I saw two t‑shirts that tickled me. The first was a Che Reagan t‑shirt. The shirt is delightfully ambiguous. Side note: the Che Jesus t‑shirts just don’t have that same vibe–the beret is just too much. The other was a Kerry/Gore t‑shirt. Kerry/Gore? What? They were never even running mates. It was Gore/Lieberman in 2000 and then Kerry/Edwards in 2004. I’m sure the shirt was supposed to be some sort of statement, but I can’t for the life of me figure it out.


While working the contact table on campus Alan told me about a website a friend of his has set up called RunThere.com. Which I think is funny because it could also be RuntHere.com–a site to help you find short people like me. Anyway, it’s a great site for runners or for anyone else who needs to calculate distance as the crow flies.

Not Exactly The Trinity, If You Know What I Mean

Towards the end of our time on campus today, as the line to register bicycles extended into the dozens, three extremely curvaceous, bikini-clad upperclassmen began sunbathing in White Plaza in full view of the freshman bicycle registration line. I suppose they each wanted a fresh man. I would not be surprised to learn that they accomplished their goal–at the very least they gave the frosh gals eating disorders and the frosh guys neck cricks.

seen today on campus

While at our contact table, I spotted a student wearing a shirt sporting the word Juventus. Alan Asbeck and I speculated as to its meaning, finally deciding that it was a composite of juvenile and momentous and was used to describe events of cosmic significance to young people–such as a prom theme. Alas, it turns out to be an Italian soccer team.

Dembski Does Daily Show

William Dembski was on the Daily Show tonight for a panel discussion on evolution. He did much better than I expected, although it was obvious that Jon Stewart didn’t really understand the differences between old-school creation science and the intelligent design camp (or perhaps he simply didn’t care about those differences). In addition, I found it interesting that Dembski and Edward Larson were basically agreeing with one another on most of the points and that Stewart didn’t seem to pick up on it.

Redesigned PreachingToday.com is Sweet

The redesigned PreachingToday.com is really nice. The new media section is especially good (although it’s a bit hard to find the media browsing page–it’s http://preachingtoday.com/media/browse.html–and there are a few glitches they still need to work out).

Overall, I’m quite happy. I’m an annual subscriber and I’ve always gotten far more than my money’s worth. Now it’s doubly true.