How simple and yet how helpful. 

“Sometimes it’s the simplest things that make the biggest difference. For many years I’ve used the 3 R’s I learned from Ben Patterson to pray through Scripture. This simple tool has helped me pray the Bible more than any other single strategy. I’ve used in my devotional times and have employed it often in leading others in prayer.

1. Rejoice
2. Repent
3. Request

With every verse in the Bible we can do one (or more likely, all three) of these things.”

This is huge.

Wheaton College Wins ‘Major Victory’ Against HHS Contraceptive Mandate: Federal government makes ‘binding commitment’ to ‘never enforce’ current mandate against religious employers.

At Christianity Today, we’re constantly tracking important developments in the church and the world. Often we use our network of reporters around the world (and for that, visit our main site). But we … 

I have been wondering about this recently — I was always taught as a child that the 2nd Amendment was about empowering citizens for violent insurrection should it ever become necessary. This is a very succinct explanation of how that notion morphed into the notion of firearms for personal protection that is prevalent today.

A history of the Second Amendment in two paintings

Congress · Courts & Law · The Fed Page · Fiscal Cliff · Health Care · Polling · White House · Washington in Transition · Blogs & Columns · Blogs & Columns · rachel_weiner · Rahm Emanuel de… 

I’ve done a fair amount of research on this topic. This article nails the main points. Sometimes discussions on this topic remind me of the old observation that the Americans and the British are two people divided by a common language.

Keller and Carson: Greco-Roman Slavery ≠ Race-Based Slavery

Many modern readers assume that slavery in the New Testament is equivalent to the race-based slavery of the African slave trade. While not defending the Greco-Roman institution of slavery, Tim Kell.…..