Technical Glitch

For some strange reason, the MP3 encoding of last night’s message was completely blank. Not a single sound was captured.

Oh well, it wasn’t the best message I’ve ever preached anyway. It’s still frustrating.

We do have other messages for download, however.

On an unrelated note, is it just me or did everyone start wearing a lot less all of a sudden? I swear that some of the people on the Farm painted their outfits on, and didn’t use much paint in the process…

Another Tolkien Perspective

I just ran across a great article that unpacks some of the differences between the movies and the books, and how it affects Tolkien’s message: The Return of the King: Best Picture, Perhaps, But Not Best Version.

In case you’re curious, we’ve got two other significant entries on Tolkien:
* Splintered Light (from Tolkien’s eleventy-first birthday)
* Saint J. R. R. The Evangelist

Glen Cole Update

In other news, Pastor Joss Walters (of Kansas City, MO) suggested that we screen Brother Cole more carefully before allowing him to enter the hallowed ranks of Chi Alpha.

I would like to suggest that [Brother Cole] would need to [pass] a test … to establish whether or not he could properly connect with this audience. The test could begin with a Game Cube or PS2 followed by a brief sermon on “WHAT IS MARILYN MANSON SO UPSET ABOUT?” [edited slightly for brevity]

Harvard Porn?

I just learned that Harvard is launching a porn magazine featuring students download boondock saints the .

Harvard students. Nudity. One shudders. 

Actually, they’re probably shuddering themselves. It gets cold in Boston.

Seriously, I can’t help but wonder how long it is until someone at Stanford tries to copycat Harvard (consider our copycat mascot as evidence).

Once again for the record, Chi Alpha thinks porn is bad. The fact that Harvard is now complicit only makes it worse!

Lies We Believe

John Stossel did a report on 20/20 that makes for fascinating reading, Lies, Myths, and Downright Stupidity, in which he explodes the most common media-fed rumors that mess up our lives and our society.

Some of the myths he hits: that there’s a relationship between being cold and catching a cold, that we have less free time than we used to (we have a lot more free time than our parents did or than we did growing up), and the idea that money can buy happiness.

It’s good read and will give you fodder for late-night dorm conversations.