3 thoughts on “Names…”

  1. My wife is the oldest of 11 and has dozens of cousins. So picking a name for our son that ‘wasn’t already taken’ was important. Thankfully, we were still able to inform our choice with our faith.

    We chose Michael as his first name because he has a cousin about two months younger than him who is named Gabriel (we stayed with the archangel theme). We chose Joseph as his middle name because he was born on May 1 which in the Catholic Church is the feast day of St. Joseph the Worker (a relatively recently created feast–one that specifically countered the communists’ ‘May Day’ celebrations).

    A friend of mine jokingly said that since he was born on May 1 he should have been named Karl, Vladimir, or Mao.

  2. Hey lovely couple with soon to come baby! I miss you! I am so excited for you that you are getting a new apartment–yay! Reading about the full moon on the quad is upsetting, to say the least. I will be in Cali in two months, and 23 in one month! woah! anyways, make sure to email me your new address when you move, kay?
    Love you guys!

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