This is a fascinating interview. Several bits stood out to me. I mention two here:
“Joe Nocera at the Times runs a daily tally of gun killings. He’s not running a daily tally of how many people defend themselves with guns. For one thing we don’t know about it most of the time. David Hemenway at Harvard is very pro gun-control and he thinks it happens about 80,000 times a year. If that’s true, that means that guns are saving 10 times as many people as they’re killing.”

“We have this impulse in the U.S. to do something. We have no national church, so the only way we can express our public morality is to say there ought to be a law. It’s antithetical to the American can-do character to say there are certain things we just can’t do much about.”

For the record, I am not a “gun guy.”

What Liberals Need to Understand About ‘Gun Guys’

The author of a new book tries to reconcile his personal politics with his fondness for firearms. 

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