Praying With Scripture

(the following is adapted from an email I sent to our students and to our prayer team recently):

I encourage you to make it your goal to grow spiritually as we celebrate the birth of Christ. Come back to school more on fire than when you left!

Here are some resources to help you grow in your prayer life by rooting your prayers in God’s Word. Tim Kerr explains the power of this very well in his book Take Words With You (available online as a free PDF).

There are two words that are very powerful when used in prayer. These words are simply, “you said”. In Genesis 31:2, God makes a promise to Jacob. Involved in that promise is one of the most faith-giving promises in Scripture—“I will be with you”. A promise that means God will do us good and pour out his favour upon us! Then later, when in deep crises, Jacob cries out to God in prayer and reminds God of his promise to him. Listen to what he says:

But you said,‘I will surely do you good’… and Jacob said, “O God of my father Abraham and God of my father Isaac, O LORD who said to me,‘Return to your country and to your kindred, that I may do you good.’ Gen 32:12, 32:9

The fuel of an intercessor is the promises of God.

The fuel of an intercessor is the promises of God. Wow. Isn’t that inspiring? Here are three articles that have helped me root my prayers in the Word.

I hope these articles (and Kerr’s book) are as much of a blessing to you as they were to me.

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