This is sad news.
At Christianity Today, we’re constantly tracking important developments in the church and the world. Often we use our network of reporters around the world (and for that, visit our main site). But we …
This chart is very simple but I think it captures something that eludes many Christians.
What Can and Cannot Change in Our Relationship with God
Bryan Chapell and John Owen help us to see the difference between unilateral, unchanging union with God and the dynamic response of communion with him.Bryan Chapell and John Owen help us to see the di…
This would never have occurred to me, although I wonder if someone who is a vegetarian for ethical reasons would value the life of a mouse less than the life of a cow.
How brutal is vegetarianism to animals?
Here is one take on the matter, from Mike Archer, controversial to be sure, and in some ways under-argued, but offering some points to ponder: … the largest and best-researched loss of sentie…
How simple and yet how helpful.
“Sometimes it’s the simplest things that make the biggest difference. For many years I’ve used the 3 R’s I learned from Ben Patterson to pray through Scripture. This simple tool has helped me pray the Bible more than any other single strategy. I’ve used in my devotional times and have employed it often in leading others in prayer.
1. Rejoice
2. Repent
3. RequestWith every verse in the Bible we can do one (or more likely, all three) of these things.”
This is my favorite Dilbert in a while.
Dilbert comic strip for 01/04/2013 from the official Dilbert comic strips archive.
The Official Dilbert Website featuring Scott Adams Dilbert strips, animation, mashups and more starring Dilbert, Dogbert, Wally, The Pointy Haired Boss, Alice, Asok, Dogbert’s New Ruling Class and mor…
File this under “not entirely unexpected observations”
When women dare to outearn men
OF THE many glass ceilings constraining women’s careers, one is particularly important yet often overlooked: the wage of the husband. In a new paper, Marianne…
I find the first point funny. “Don’t lie — it will cost you money!”
What Lying Actually Does to Your Brain and Body Every Day
Each day, we make the same choice hundreds of times: whether to lie or tell the truth. It often happens without thinking, and we ignore the profound impact of these seemingly inconsequential decision…
This is huge.
At Christianity Today, we’re constantly tracking important developments in the church and the world. Often we use our network of reporters around the world (and for that, visit our main site). But we …
I have been wondering about this recently — I was always taught as a child that the 2nd Amendment was about empowering citizens for violent insurrection should it ever become necessary. This is a very succinct explanation of how that notion morphed into the notion of firearms for personal protection that is prevalent today.
A history of the Second Amendment in two paintings
Congress · Courts & Law · The Fed Page · Fiscal Cliff · Health Care · Polling · White House · Washington in Transition · Blogs & Columns · Blogs & Columns · rachel_weiner · Rahm Emanuel de…
Is The Lord of The Rings racist? I’ve heard people suggest it before, but this is the first serious discussion I’ve found of it.
Indistinguishable From Magic — (Reposted to be rebloggable!) Any time Tolkien… |
(Reposted to be rebloggable!) Any time Tolkien has south/eastern people as antagonists, it’s because they’ve been coerced by guys like Sauron (nor are non-white people the only cultures to be…