That there is a strong correlation makes intuitive sense to me, although I would not have pegged it as the strongest predictor.

Sentences to ponder

Stunningly, the postponement of marriage and parenting — the factors that shrink the birth rate — is the very best predictor of a person’s politics in the United States, over even income and educat.…..

How fascinating. His skepticism notwithstanding, this is a great source for sermon illustrations on David v Goliath.

The Straight Dope: Has an important battle ever been decided by single combat?

Dear Cecil: I’m currently reading Polybius’s Rise of the Roman Empire and stumbled on a quote that begs for elaboration. In book VI, Polybius offhandedly remarks, “Many Romans have volunteered to enga…

I am so grateful that we have a system of checks and balances in built in to the American government. 

Court Sides with Bible Publisher Challenging Abortion Pill Mandate

Court Sides with Bible Publisher Challenging Abortion Pill Mandate. November 18, 2012 | The Gospel Coalition Blog. “For the government to say that a Bible publisher is not religious is startling.”… Re…

Interesting. This is a complicated question to investigate — I look forward to seeing more research.

Freakonomics » What Happens When You Get Rid of Affirmative Action?

Proposition 209 banned using racial preferences in admissions at California’s public colleges. We analyze unique data for all applicants and enrollees within the University of California (UC) system b…

This is a very disturbing post. I knew in vague terms that there were disincentives for the poor to earn more money, but this is astonishing. Color me depressed.

Taxes and cliffs

The whole tax debate is supremely frustrating to anyone who survived econ 1. The ill effects of taxation — the “distortions” — depend on the total, marginal rate including transfers. If I earn an ex…