I love comic strips. “That shirt’s got more holes than a Goth chick’s nose.” I might actually use that line someday.

Get Fuzzy by Darby Conley, August 26, 2012 Via @GoComics

Housecats are known to be aloof, but cat-titude reaches new heights in Get Fuzzy, the bitingly hilarious comic strip from cartoonist Darby Conley. Available daily and Sunday and appearing in 650 newsp…

Every Woman and Child For Themself

Fascinating tidbit. Does reading this increase your tendency towards egalitarianism or complementarianism? And how does it make you think about authority and coercion?

More data on survival during maritime disasters

From Mikael Elinder and Oscar Erixson (pdf, final PNAS gated version here): It’s a widespread notion that women and children are saved first in maritime disasters. The systematic evidence of this come…

Faith Helps

When I tell students that there are objective and practical benefits to faith they seem surprised. But that’s the nature of truth — when you make choices based upon reality, those choices tend to work out better. 

What can we all learn from religion — whether we believe or not? — Barking up the wrong tree

Barking up the wrong tree. I want to understand why we do what we do and use the answers to be awesome at life. About. Eric Barker; First visit? Start here. Bakadesuyo.com is proud to be listed on blo…

Hooray For Sanity

I am most gratified by this decision and hope that it ripples out to other universities.

Christianity Today Liveblog: InterVarsity Re-Instated As New York University Decides Leadership Policy Is “Common Sense, Not Discrimination”

At Christianity Today, we’re constantly tracking important developments in the church and the world. Often we use our network of reporters around the world (and for that, visit our main site). But we …

Sesame Street and the Thug Life

Wait. What? I need more information.

Is less violent TV and more educational TV the answer to better behaved kids? — Barking up the wrong tree

Join 25K+ subscribers. No spam, ever. Enter your email here: No. Educational TV increased physical aggression at school almost as much as violent TV. And the more educational TV a kid watched, the cru…