If You Forget You Are Sad, Are You?

The bit about amnesia made me laugh out loud. Wow.

Do sleeping pills like Ambien work because of the placebo effect? — Barking up the wrong tree

Join 25K+ subscribers. No spam, ever. Enter your email here: Sleeping pills on average only make people fall asleep 12 minutes faster and sleep 11 minutes longer during the night. The placebo effect m…

Donations Buy Access… Why Not Taxes?

I love the idea of a dinner for the top taxpayers. That’s brilliant. If donations buy access, then why not taxes?

Sentences to ponder

…I find it remarkable that I have yet to receive a thank you note for paying my taxes. When I fill out my taxes, I notice that even receipts for $25 donations have thank you notes attached. But for t…

Faith Helps

When I tell students that there are objective and practical benefits to faith they seem surprised. But that’s the nature of truth — when you make choices based upon reality, those choices tend to work out better. 

What can we all learn from religion — whether we believe or not? — Barking up the wrong tree

Barking up the wrong tree. I want to understand why we do what we do and use the answers to be awesome at life. About. Eric Barker; First visit? Start here. Bakadesuyo.com is proud to be listed on blo…

Be Happy

I hate journaling, but I’ve seen findings like this so frequently that I might have to give it a try.

The most proven technique for increasing long term happiness: — Barking up the wrong tree

Barking up the wrong tree. I want to understand why we do what we do and use the answers to be awesome at life. About. Eric Barker; First visit? Start here. Bakadesuyo.com is proud to be listed on blo…

Every Woman and Child For Themself

Fascinating tidbit. Does reading this increase your tendency towards egalitarianism or complementarianism? And how does it make you think about authority and coercion?

More data on survival during maritime disasters

From Mikael Elinder and Oscar Erixson (pdf, final PNAS gated version here): It’s a widespread notion that women and children are saved first in maritime disasters. The systematic evidence of this come…