Hooray For Sanity

I am most gratified by this decision and hope that it ripples out to other universities.

Christianity Today Liveblog: InterVarsity Re-Instated As New York University Decides Leadership Policy Is “Common Sense, Not Discrimination”

At Christianity Today, we’re constantly tracking important developments in the church and the world. Often we use our network of reporters around the world (and for that, visit our main site). But we …

Sesame Street and the Thug Life

Wait. What? I need more information.

Is less violent TV and more educational TV the answer to better behaved kids? — Barking up the wrong tree

Join 25K+ subscribers. No spam, ever. Enter your email here: No. Educational TV increased physical aggression at school almost as much as violent TV. And the more educational TV a kid watched, the cru…

Richard Mouw rocks

I just finished reading Calvinism in the Las Vegas Airport by Richard Mouw (president of Fuller Theological Seminary). It was great. I’ve read one other book of his, Consulting the Faithful: What Christian Intellectuals Can Learn from Popular Religion, and I loved it as well. I’d have to say he’s one of my favorite low-volume authors.