I would not have guessed the gap was so large. Part of it is easy to understand — everyone needs health care but education tends to be limited to certain stages of life. But that only gets you to a 20–1 or so ratio. 

Questions that are rarely asked

It is estimated that less than $1B is spent in the U.S. each year on education research, with the federal government spending about $700M and universities, foundations and the private sector spending …

Somehow this never occurred to me. Wow. I knew 3D printers were going to give plenty of people headaches, but it never occurred to me that they might also be responsible for exit wounds.

Guns don’t kill people, printers do!

Imagine an America in which anyone can download and print a gun in their own home. They wouldn’t need a license, a background check, or much technical knowledge, just a 3D printer. That’s the vision a…

Heh. I love it when someone uses simple numbers to explode a ridiculous claim (or in this case, a purportedly unanswerable question). 

Sand in the Gears » Blog Archive » Abandoning children

What happened in Nebraska doesn’t raise the question, it answers it. Using U.S. Census Bureau data, we can determine that when Nebraska parents have the opportunity to give up their children with no c…