My wife thought this video of a conference call gone awry was better than today’s previous posts. I think it reminds us all of the #1 reason we don’t actually want videophones no matter how much we say we do. My pastor thinks I’m crazy for posting it.
Category: Of Random Interest
He Can Move
I was oddly charmed by this video of a man dancing around the world.
Revival Sweeps The Prairies
Check out the rodent revival (flash link).
The Goblet of Fire
Paula and I went to see Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire last night.
Loved it. Easily the best of the series so far. In fact, I think it was better than the book upon which it was based (and I NEVER think that about a movie).
College Ministry Under Heat
If you haven’t been following the story, there’s been a brouhaha at the Air Force Academy over Christian cadets acting like Christians (going to meetings, talking to their friends, etc). The always excellent GetReligion has a good article on it.
Too Cool
After losing his bid for a third term as president, Teddy Roosevelt led an expedition to explore and map the 1,000 mile long River of Doubt. Three men died on the journey–one from the river and two from the actions of others on the team–there’s a book about it. The preacher in me can’t help pointing out that when you journey down the river of doubt it’s not the doubt itself that is most likely to kill your spiritual health–it’s how you respond to it.
Dilbert Dude On ID
Scott Adams, the creator of Dilbert, just wrote a fascinating essay on understanding the Darwinism/Intelligent Design debate. No matter what you expect this essay to say, it’s different. (update: he published parts two, three, and four)
Understanding Today’s Students
Presbyterian college minister Rhett Smith has a pretty lengthy essay about today’s students.
Chris Rock gets it…
In 2 Corinthians 6:14, Paul explains why Christians shouldn’t get romantically entangled with someone who doesn’t share their deepest values. Every year it seems that I have to hammer this into students’ heads. They’re involved in foolish relationships and they just can’t get (or refuse to get) why it’s a bad idea.
So I was thrilled to stumble upon Chris Rock’s Bigger and Blacker special on Comedy Central. He had a bit that expressed the underlying logic beautifully (if you are familiar at all with Mr. Rock’s work you will be unsurprised to hear that I have edited the text slightly for family-friendliness):
Whatever you into, your woman gotta be into, too, and vice versa… or the [thing] ain’t gonna work. lt ain’t gonna work.
That’s right. lf you born-again, your woman gotta be born-again, too.
lf you a crackhead, your woman gotta be a crackhead, too… or the [thing] won’t work.
You can’t be like, ”l’m going to church, where you going?” ”Hit the pipe!”
That relationship ain’t going nowhere.
Two crackheads can stay together forever.
Students take note. When stand-up theologians and stand-up comedians make the same arguments you know your position is indefensible.
Kyle Lake Died
Sometime last year I read a helpful little book called “Understanding God’s Will.” I googled up the author, one Kyle Lake (pastor of the church David Crowder attends–University Baptist in Waco), and emailed him a short note thanking him for taking the time to write the book. He wrote back to me and said thanks, which I thought was pretty classy of him.
So I was pretty shocked this morning to read about his death. He was about to baptize someone and he reached to adjust the microphone which then sent a current through his body, killing him in the baptistry.
Wow. He was about my age and he just dropped like that while doing a fairly routine part of his job.
My heart goes out to his family and his church. This has to be an incredibly hard time for them. And that poor woman who was getting baptized–I wonder how she’s processing all this?