The Fellowship: Serving Jesus In The Capitol

The LA Times has the most interesting article I’ve seen in quite a while. It’s about a secretive group called The Fellowship, a Christian organization that has had massive influence in the public sphere.

For the last two decades, a Virginia mansion has been a private hideaway for world leaders, members of Congress, and even pop star Michael Jackson…

The Fellowship was a behind-the-scenes player at the Camp David Middle East accords in 1978, working with President Jimmy Carter to issue a worldwide call to prayer with Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin and Egyptian President Anwar Sadat. During the Cold War, it helped finance an anti-communism propaganda film endorsed by the CIA and used by the Pentagon overseas.

Last year, the Fellowship helped arrange a secret meeting at Cedars between two warring leaders, Democratic Republic of Congo President Joseph Kabila and Rwandan President Paul Kagame–one of the first of a series of discreet meetings between the two African leaders that eventually led to the signing of a peace accord in July.

Incidentally, they’re also the ones who sponsor the National Prayer Breakfast. There’s much more, and I encourage you to read all about it. (Thanks to Christianity Today for the link!)