Wild Parrots Roam San Francisco?

No baby yet.

Oneida Shen, a Chi Alpha intern in Arizona, just spent the last few days with us checking out campuses in Nor Cal and Nevada. She’s seriously considering coming to work alongside Paula and I here at Stanford. Pretty cool.

Also, apparently one of our alumni is currently in the Miss Universe Singapore finals (according to another Singaporean alumnus). How wild is that?

And I just learned one more really strange thing about the Bay Area–there are flocks of wild parrots that roam San Francisco. Seriously–there’s even a book about it. Apparently they just fly around the city. Read the FAQ. It reminds me of a chapter in the Life of Pi.

2 thoughts on “Wild Parrots Roam San Francisco?”

  1. I live on Dolores St between 14th and 15th Streets and yesterday it occurred to me that I haven’t heard the parrots for quite awhile.
    Where have they gone? Are they OK?
    If you have a moment to let me know I’d appreciate it!
    Thanks you,
    Lauryl Berg

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