Overwhelming Generosity

Paula and I loved our first microwave. It had this awesome dial that did everything. You didn’t need to punch a number–you just turned the dial and magic happened.

One sad day our microwave died. Food stopped warming yet the microwave kept churning, leading us to surmise that radiation was seeping into our chromosomes.

So we got a replacement microwave from a friend. It was great, but the light didn’t work and the food didn’t rotate. And we often suspected that radiation was still seeping into our chromosomes (but only half of them owing to the lack of rotation).

And that’s just one reason we’re so grateful for last night: many of the Assemblies of God churches in the South Bay threw a Christmas party to celebrate AG US Missionaries. We and the Harlows were the recipients of outrageous generosity. Dana got books, stuffed animals, a play tea set, a stroller, some garb, and an enormous ladybug pillow (with matching sheets and cover). 

And we got a fully functional microwave. No more radiation-steeped DNA, no more inexplicable tans, just hot tasty food on demand.

And the icing on the cake? Not too long ago an alumnus of our ministry gave me a PSP (a completely unexpected and much appreciated gift).

We are blessed beyond measure. Say what you will about the hierarchy of the Assemblies of God, the tremendous generosity of our laypeople is unmatched.

The Genius of McDonald’s

I am shocked at the staggering success that is McDonald’s marketing.

Dana doesn’t watch television yet. To my knowledge, she’s never seen a McDonald’s commercial on television.

We’ve been precisely three times.

Once at a drive-through. Dana got some french fries. She loved them.

Last week after church we took her to a play land with the pastor’s kids. She kept yelling, “french fries!” all the way over.

Last week on a rainy day Paula mentioned that perhaps we should take Dana to McDonald’s to play since the ground was moist. Dana bolted from her seat and yelled, “McDonald’s!”

I think they put heroin in the ketchup.

For Ministers Only

For all my dear ministerial colleagues with a sense of humor: you have each received horrible voicemails before. What you’ve never been able to do is turn them into a dance mix. If you are like me, you won’t be able to laugh at the original. It just sounds too familiar. But if you are at all like me, you won’t be able to stop laughing at the remix version. It just sounds too beautiful.