I am also registered as a NPP voter (No Party Preference) and for similar reasons. It turns out the terminology matters in California. Beware lest you accidentally become registered as a member of the American Independent Party. Happened to me, briefly.

Confessions of an evangelical pastor registered as an independent voter

I first attended an evangelical church in the late 1970s. I was born again by the end of the decade at age 13. I began to pay attention to politics, with an eye on how they played out in the church. B…

Use social media? Yes, yes I do. Use twitter? No, no I don’t.

Organizations Lose $1.3 Trillion by Not Engaging in Social Media — ThomRainer.com

I was shocked. Two presidents of organizations began using Twitter in the past two months. These are presidents I know well, leaders who for years saw no value in Twitter or other social media. As one…

It’s amazing how often I need to do this. 

John Walkenbach originally shared this post:

If I, living in Tucson, AZ,  wanted to meet a person who lives in Rhode Island, this site tells me the half-way point: Phillipsburg, MO. You can add other locations, and it will tell you the optimal meeting point for the group.

Let’s Meet in the Middle — GeoMidpoint

Finds the ideal restaurant or other point of interest halfway between two or more addresses. Meet your friend or business contact for lunch.

I find it interesting that when Tim Keller thinks about the institutions necessary for the emergence of evangelicalism he immediately thinks of “a couple of key seminaries laid the groundwork for the movement, and Crusade, InterVarsity, and Navigators raised up the foot soldiers.” College ministry matters.

The Rise of New Calvinism, the Internet, and Two Other Factors

Tim Challies adds an important element to the ongoing discussion: the internet. I put forth two additional factors: making things free and building organizations.Tim Challies adds an important element…

First, I find it interesting that the guy is not actually an atheist, although I can understand why they chose the title. Second, I found this bit at the end very insightful:
“Q: Can’t you do a project of this scope at a top university like Caltech?

Koch: No. Universities are great at producing individual scientists who are brilliant at pushing new ideas, but the entire scientific endeavor is constructed on the notion of being hyper-competitive and as different as possible from other people. Otherwise, you don’t get a Ph.D. You don’t get tenure. You don’t get grants. You don’t get papers in high profile journals. So it’s very difficult to focus an enormous amount of research in a disciplined way.”

On Reconciling Atheism and Meaning in the Universe

“Romantic reductionist” neuroscientist Christof Koch discusses the search for meaning in the world of science, and the philosophical influence of working with Francis Crick.