I just read a very insightful discussion about race and Christianity between Thabiti Anyabwile and Doug Wilson: http://thegospelcoalition.org/blogs/thabitianyabwile/2013/04/02/a‑black-and-tan-round-up/ — it’s long but worthwhile (tip: I opened up all the links in new tabs and worked through them one at a time).

A “Black and Tan” Round-Up

For the past couple of weeks, Douglas Wilson and I have carried on a discussion of his book, Black and Tan. The book and its prequel, Southern Slavery As It Was, triggered controversy that’s lasted th… 


“One of the most awkward and painful truths in American higher education is that it is perfectly legal for private colleges and universities — on the left and right — to discriminate against people who refuse to follow, or at least respect, the teachings at the core of these voluntary associations. However, and this is the tricky part for many journalists, these institutions must use a truth-in-advertising approach when dealing with potential students, faculty and the public.” — this summarizes the situation perfectly and is something that many in the media seem to miss. A place such as Vanderbilt can disallow Christian groups from requiring their leaders to be orthodox Christians, but it needs to let students know that before they enroll. It will affect people’s decisions.

Abortion, rights, viewpoint discrimination and Johns Hopkins

tmatt | Academia, People, Politics, Social Issues 

This makes sense to me. If you think environmentalism is not a religious belief then I submit that you either don’t understand environmentalists or that you don’t understand religion. This is doubly true for vegans. Bonus: my favorite vegan joke is http://lolsnaps.com/news/41045/0/

Vegans and Environmentalists Should Have Same Workplace Rights as Christians, Says Britain

Updated equality guidelines offer protections for employees with ‘profound personal beliefs.’ 

Wow — I didn’t realize he was so dominant.
Churches around the world used 128 songs he wrote or co-wrote last year, Rachinski said. CCLI estimates that every Sunday in the United States, between 60,000 and 120,000 churches are singing Tomlin’s songs. By extrapolating that data, Rachinski says, “our best guess would be in the United States on any given Sunday, 20 to 30 million people would be singing Chris Tomlin’s songs.”

Chris Tomlin, king of the sing-along

By Eric Marrapodi and Tom Foreman, CNN Baltimore (CNN) — The capacity crowd at the 1st Mariner Arena in Baltimore is bouncing in unison to the most widely sung music on the planet today. The ca… 

I have said similar things before (both to students and to young moms). Dealing with young kids is tough.

An Encouraging Word for Mothers of Young Children

Martyn Lloyd-Jones once spoke with a group of medical students who complained that in the midst of their training and the ferocious work hours they really didn’t even have time to read the Bible an.….. 

What an interesting idea. I like Piper’s question — especially how he would hope to start by listening. Note that this is from 2009 and is in no way related to current events (except that my interest in current events is what prompted me to share it).

If You Had Two Minutes to Talk With the Pope, What Would You Say to Him?

John Piper says he would talk to the pope about justification.