Many of these are quite good. For example: “Adulthood is the moment at which your expenditure on Christmas presents 
first exceeds the value of  the gifts you can expect to receive.”
- John Kay

The Browser Book of Quotations

You will find it here (pdf). There are numerous good bits, here is one of them: To admire an artist for his own sake, although certainly a compliment, can also be a way of suggesting that he has no p… 

I am not sure whether Scott Adams would be awesome or horrible to know in real life. Either way, he’d be entertaining.

Dilbert comic strip for 02/08/2013 from the official Dilbert comic strips archive.

The Official Dilbert Website featuring Scott Adams Dilbert strips, animation, mashups and more starring Dilbert, Dogbert, Wally, The Pointy Haired Boss, Alice, Asok, Dogbert’s New Ruling Class and mor… 

I don’t think I’ve seen this observation anywhere else: “…if it defies good sense to send teenaged girls off into the woods with heterosexual men, it likely defies good sense to send teenaged boys off with homosexual men. This is no aspersion against homosexuals, except insofar as they are men, and we know enough about men to understand that some of them find teenagers sexually attractive, and the older and more mature-looking these teenagers, the easier it becomes for seemingly decent men to violate them while pretending the act is consensual.”

Sand in the Gears » Blog Archive » Gays, Boy Scouts, and dogma

Slippery words • Home •. Gays, Boy Scouts, and dogma. February 4th, 2013 Posted in Policy and Politics. The Boy Scouts of America is considering an end to its prohibition against homosexual troop lead… 

Interesting tidbit: “In my consulting experiences in the past, I found that estimated attendance was inflated by a factor of over 30 percent.” Also, counting people on a mission trip seems odd to me (a suggestion that comes near the end).

How Churches Count Attendance

Many church leaders and members cringe when they hear or read about numbers and statistics in churches. Such a reaction is understandable. For many years in many churches, numbers were an obsession.….. 

In related news, adopting a comprehensive view of the nature of ultimate reality affects your life comprehensively. 

Stanford Scholars Say Religion Changes Hunting Habits

The introduction of Christianity has changed the hunting habits of indigenous people in the Amazon. While some new practices could benefit animals, others could put populations at risk. 

I get the argument he is making… but there are some channels I dislike so much that their presence in a bundle makes the bundle less desirable to me. I would pay more for less.

Does Cable TV Ripoff People Who Don’t Like Sports?

Recently the LATimes ignited a firestorm of anti-sports commentary by arguing that people who don’t watch sports are being ripped off by Cable TV. A key concern is that the higher bills driven by spor…