I’ve been trying to get my friends in ministry to believe this for years — but they frequently look at me like I’m nuts.

Young Women and Porn Use: What Does the Data Say?

Recently I gave a talk at a Christian college about the contemporary mating market, and found myself in a conversation afterward with two women students and an administrator. I had mentioned during th…

This is an interesting revision to some research that got traction a while ago, but I’m not sure what the authors think their new data positively suggests. They say Brooks was wrong, but it does seem clear that some group does give more than some other group. Who do they think this group is?

Who Really Gives? Partisanship and Charitable Giving in the United States — The Monkey CagePrinceton University Press

Michele Margolis and Michael Sances write: Conservatives and liberals are equally generous in their donation habits. This pattern holds at both the individual and state level, and contradicts the conv…

Dave Croteau’s answer (linked in the text) nails it.

Is it stealing from God to split your tithe between the church and other charities? | Andy Naselli

Thoughts on Theology. Exegesis · Biblical Theology · Historical Theology · Systematic Theology · Practical Theology · Other · Home/; Practical Theology/; Is it stealing from God to split your tithe be…

This is an amusing reversal of the famous Sokal Affair (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sokal_affair)

Nonsense paper accepted by mathematics journal

Last month That’s Mathematics! reported another landmark event in the history of academic publishing. A paper by Marcie Rathke of the University of Southern North Dakota at Hoople had been provisional…