A Quick Trip East

I’ve been meaning to post this for a while, but I kept getting distracted…

Having found my wedding ring I hopped a plane to Baltimore to serve in Jerry’s wedding.

I met Jerry back in college, when he had really long hair. He’s gone on to get his Ph.D. in statistics and now works for the Census Bureau. He now has much shorter hair.

Anyway, I flew in to Baltimore (arriving at some ungodly hour), tried to check into the wrong hotel, and finally got settled in sometime around 2 or 3 AM, if I remember correctly. It’s all a bit of a blur.

The next morning I visited the Edgar Allen Poe house, which was in the hood (this was somewhat fitting, as Poe wrote disturbing fiction and I was greatly disturbed after having had several people ask me if I was sure I wanted to be walking down the street). Interestingly enough, even I had to duck to get up the stairs. Poe must have been one short (or limber) dude.

After that I had the best crab cake I’ve ever had in my life at Faidley Seafood.

Then I headed down to DC. I looked at tons of historical and inspirational buildings/monuments/memorials. By far the coolest was the Library of Congress. No, really. If you’ve never gone on the guided tour you have to go and check out the reading room. It’s astounding!

Added to my before-I-die list: do research in the Library of Congress (anyone can do it, you just need to make time in your schedule).

By fortunate happenstance, Siew Ying (one of our Chi Alpha students) was in D.C. at the same time I was, so we got to hang out together for a bit.

I also had a chance to meet with Mark Batterson, pastor of National Community Church. He’s one of the most interesting and well-read pastors I’ve ever met (which is saying something). Props to Scott Aughtmon for hooking me up with the meeting!

Anyway, I headed down to Waldorf, MD to connect with Jerry and Elvira (his bride-to-be). I helped Jerry, Elvira, their familes, and Tina (the maid of honor) do some decorating for the reception. I also relearned how to tie a slipknot, which was an unexpected bonus.

The highlight for me was meeting Jerry’s friends (especially my fellow servers Daniel, Tina, and Bethany). Bethany put some photos online, so if you’d like to see me in a tux this is your big chance!

Incidentally, I have to take full responsibility for this shot of Bethany planting her face in the cake. Drunk people are so much fun to be around–they’ll do anything!

Side note: the reception was pretty fun, but I was reminded of how silly the Assemblies of God can look to some people. People were fine with me not drinking, but the whole not dancing thing was hard for them to wrap their brains around. For the record, I think our policy is a bit quirky (and not in an endearing way).

On a related note, I enjoyed meeting the ECLA pastor who was conducting the ceremony. Nice guy. He and I are light-years apart theologically, but I really enjoyed chatting with him.

Anyway, the wedding went off without a hitch (except the hitch that’s the point of the whole thing), and good times were had by all. I did make one faux pas, I didn’t realize that Elvira wasn’t changing her last name to Maples and said something like “How does it feel to be Mrs. Elvira Maples?” Oh well, worse mistakes have been made.

Before flying out I got to swing by D.C. again, visit the Daedalus Books Warehouse, and eat some more crab cakes in Baltimore.

Special thanks to Jerry for inviting me to share in his wedding, to Elvira for marrying Jerry, to Daniel for letting me stay with him, to Tina for doing such a great job with the decorations, and to Bethany for being such an entertaining person (even moreso when she’s sober). And a big thanks to Paula for letting me gallavant around the East coast like that.

Oh, while traveling I saw both Dodgeball and Harry Potter 3. They were both much better than I thought they would be.

Nothing Sketchy About That At All…

Aargh! In just a few hours I’m flying out to Baltimore for a week (I’ll be serving in a friend’s wedding, connecting with some ministry peers, and sightseeing).

Just one little problem… I lost my wedding ring. I sat down to check my email this morning and noticed that my hand felt odd. I glanced down and saw a ring of tanless flesh where the glint of gold ought to be.

All I can imagine is that it came off in the shower or something.

What a time to misplace my wedding ring. The phrase that keeps running through my head is minister travels without wedding ring. Nothing sketchy about that at all…

Rest assured that a frantic search is about to ensue!

Update: found. I was in my bed–I must have been playing with it right before I fell asleep or something. Whew!

Email Bankruptcy

Stanford law prof Lawrence Lessig has declared email bankruptcy.

In a script-driven note sent out last week, Lessig wrote: “Dear person who sent me a yet-unanswered e‑mail, I apologize, but I am declaring e‑mail bankruptcy.”

He went on to note that he had spent 80 hours the prior week sorting through unanswered e‑mail built up since January 2002, and had determined that “without extraordinary effort” he would simply never be able to respond to these messages.

Evidently he gets an average of 200 non-spam emails a day. I have to say that makes me feel better about my own email inadequacies. My next three days will be chiefly comprised of a concerted effort to whittle down my inbox. I started this morning at 387 non-spam, non-newsletter emails. I end today at 347. It doesn’t look like much progress, but I had two hour long phone conversations and a bunch itty-bitty ones that kept me from the computer most of today.

My goal for tomorrow is to get my inbox down to 200…

Shrek 2

Public thanks to Elizabeth Garcia (good friend and Stanford Chi Alpha alumnus) for babysitting Dana last night so Paula and I could go enjoy an evening out.

We watched Shrek 2, and loved it. It was doubly cool, because Hector Yee (a friend of ours) works at DreamWorks and wrote the code that rendered the shadows cast by the fur on the cat. He’s listed in the credits.

Anyway, we had a great night. Thanks, Elizabeth!

She is growing and changing

Dana smilingDana is almost 2 months old! It is so hard to believe that she is almost out of the newborn stage…

She is growing and changing each day. This last week she has mastered the smile and is working on lifting her head as she plays on her belly. To see new pictures of Dana visit her photo album.