I’m the Video Blogger

Check it out–I’m the guest video blogger on ChiAlpha.com in a clip entitled “I Doubt It”! We filmed this while I was in Atlanta for the campus ministers’ conference this weekend.

Curt (the video blog king) did some major editing to make me sound more intelligent than I was in that section–I was babbling like a fool but through the miracle of iMovie I came out looking not totally stupid.

Also, they have added a video archive so that you can check out all the past video blogs.

Chi Alpha Video Blogs

In case you haven’t been checking it out, the national Chi Alpha website has been rockin’ lately. If you want to get a feeling for what they’re doing, check out their video blogs (the most recent one is a video blog of love, but I think the one on postmodern cookie evangelism is a better intro).

Unfortunately, there’s no index to them all. You can sort of see one at http://chialpha.com/video_blogs, but it’s really just a directory listing. *sigh*

Update: there is an index to the Chi Alpha video blogs!

Booze, the Bible, and Bad Theology

As I promised in last night’s message Booze, The Bible, & Bad Theology, here are some resources outlining what the Bible says about fermented beverages.

* First, a list of every passage in the Bible that discusses alcohol.
* Daniel Whitfield has a good essay Alcohol and the Bible–well worth reading.
* Daniel Wallace wrote The Bible and Alcohol, an extremely helpful article from a very solid scholar.
* The Christian Counterculture project has an insightful collection of articles in their What Would Jesus Drink? collection.

There is diversity within the Christian camp on this issue, and a simple google search will find arguments from all corners. The ones I listed above are the ones I find most credible.

UPDATE: I just ran across a fascinating article at Christianity Today that gives a solid historical overview — Amassed Media: The Drink Debate.

What Does It Mean To Be A Christian?

A fellow Chi Alphan (Lynette, if you must know) asked me to recommend some online explanations of Christianity that she could forward to a friend who is interested.

There are a ton out there, but here are some that I really like:

Power to Change is probably my favorite. It eschews over-the-top flash animation and focuses on the stories of changed lives.

The next three are all variants on a theme–make the gospel look cool through use of snazzy flash and soundtrack. They are actually quite cool. To each their own:
1) Got Life?: a play on the “Got Milk?” campaign.
2) Wuzup God?: a youthy variant of the billboards asking questions. It’s not quite as clear as I would like it to be, but it’s still nice.
3) The Kristo: very cool, but it annoys me that I can’t skip the intro to get to the interactive part nor can I pause it (if something cool comes on tv or I get a phone call then the inability to pause becomes a real drag).

Faith Cards: this is an e‑vangelistic twist on the widespread electronic birthday and holiday cards out there. I almost never open them myself, but some people love them. If that describes your friend (which it almost certainly does if this is a friend who forwards you cute stories), they might appreciate getting one of these.

If you have one that you really like, post it in a comment. If I like it too, I’ll update the post and include it in the main text!