Some February Thoughts

Last night’s episode of the West Wing was the first one in a while that wasn’t completely lame. The ending was a bit contrived, but I liked the flow of the episode.

That, however, is neither here nor there.

Also, I noticed that a Stanford grad joined Cirque de Soleil while at the same time becoming Ms. Fitness USA. I swear, those students can be such overachievers… I bet her mom has some funny conversations, though. “So your daughter has a grad degree from Stanford–what does she do?” “She’s performs in the circus.”

That also is neither here nor there (but I note that you’re still reading, and so it was at least interesting).

Paula is doing well–she’s got just under two months to go until she gives birth to our first child. The biggest item on our to-do list now is buying diapers. Lots of diapers.

Things are going well with Chi Alpha, especially on a district (statewide) level.

Speaking of the district level, my district superintendent is retiring this April. This led Tim Smith, who leads Chi Alpha at Sacramento State to have some fun:

From: Tim Smith
Sent: Wednesday, February 04, 2004 1:24 PM
To: Glen Cole
Subject: Chi Alpha

Dear Bro. Cole–

I don’t want you to leave your current office, but as talking you out of it at this point seems unlikely, I am writing today to offer you a new job as an Associate Campus Pastor with me here in Chi Alpha-Sacramento.

The perks of this job include:
–unlimited time off for “Plus One” concerts and/or tours.
–a more relaxed dress code when on campus.
–the opportunity to have direct involvement in shaping the immediate future of our world’s leadership, both domestic and foreign, on a daily basis.

I’m pretty sure I can get Chi Alpha and AGHM to waive the year-long Campus Missionary Internship and Berean requirements, so we could have you on campus immediately after raising your budget. Also, if Mrs. Cole goes to work, they will count her income toward 20% of your budget, so that could help.

Anyway, you think about it, let me know if you’re interested, and we’ll schedule an interview over pizza and Coke.
Have a great day!
Tim Smith

To which the amused Glen Cole replied:

Dear Tim:

I knew God would speak to me about my future. Yours is the first offer, so we will be in prayerful consideration about this. 



That’s a lot funnier if you know Glen Cole at all. Or if you know anything about how Chi Alpha ranks on the internal AG pecking order.

2 thoughts on “Some February Thoughts”

  1. I stumbled upon this article by chance. I caught a good laugh at Tim’s letter. I do beleive that Chi Alpha ranks at the bottom of the AG’s list of priorities. How can we impact this eminent generation when we are so fixed on the policies of an irelevant denomination at the risk of losing this generation. The AG found Loren Cunningham to be unfit for world missions. Why blame this denomination for irelevance if we are unwilling to step out of the box and break free. Lets contend for this generation with all we have. Why blame a dying denomination that has lost its power.

    Mike Tate
    GenerationFire Ministries.

  2. and I was just in a meeting with Mike Tate, and I am a bit surprized at this letter, but we are all growing, aren’t we? I have worked consistantly over the past 10 years part time with YWAM Loren cunningham being the founder. I truly believe that Loren himself would be at odds as to the projection here of how he is dubed in here in this statement, for you see even though Loren made the right nessessary move from the A G in order to move with God’s vision on his life, in order to fully be released in what God hadfor him, he had to go back to the A G people and repent of any and all bitterness, towards them. If we are not very careful we can enter into another spirit other than the Holy Spirit even in initially being obedient to the Lord, I will attempt to pass this response on to Mike himself, we had a wonderfull time together after the service Sunday over a meal together with the pastor others. Sincerely Loren Snider

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