We’re Geniuses (With A Preference For Bright Colors)

Our neighbor just referred to Paula and I as geniuses. 

Which is something, given that she has a Ph.D. in early American history and her hubbie has one in electrical engineering.

I suspect the compliment was more in reference to Paula’s practical wisdom than anything else, but I’m still going to be telling all my friends that my genius neighbors think we’re smart, too. 😉

Now if only I can get Pablo to come around–he’s the other Ph.D. neighbor and he’s not quite convinced that I’m sane. His wife, Sri, has a great respect for Paula, though.

The lesson learned: Paula makes me look good and I should keep her.

The other lesson reinforced: there sure are a lot of people with doctorates around here (in fact, 1/3 of adult Menlo Park residents have at least a master’s degree).

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