The levels of disparity in outcomes are shocking.
How much does graduate school matter for being an economics professor?
There is a new paper, by Zhengye Chen, an enterprising undergraduate from the University of Chicago: Of the 138 Ph.D. economics programs in the United States, the top fifteen Ph.D. programs in economi…
Many of these are quite good. For example: “Adulthood is the moment at which your expenditure on Christmas presents
first exceeds the value of the gifts you can expect to receive.”
- John KayThe Browser Book of Quotations
You will find it here (pdf). There are numerous good bits, here is one of them: To admire an artist for his own sake, although certainly a compliment, can also be a way of suggesting that he has no p…
But they have so many trophys and participation awards.
FactChecker: Are Millennials More Self-Sacrificing and Community-Minded Than Previous Generations?
The The
I am not sure whether Scott Adams would be awesome or horrible to know in real life. Either way, he’d be entertaining.
Dilbert comic strip for 02/08/2013 from the official Dilbert comic strips archive.
The Official Dilbert Website featuring Scott Adams Dilbert strips, animation, mashups and more starring Dilbert, Dogbert, Wally, The Pointy Haired Boss, Alice, Asok, Dogbert’s New Ruling Class and mor…
For my programmer friends.
Sarah Pagan originally shared this post:
This is the funniest thing I have seen shared on facebook (that I didn’t see here first) in a long time!
h/t +Sam Davenport
I don’t think I’ve seen this observation anywhere else: “…if it defies good sense to send teenaged girls off into the woods with heterosexual men, it likely defies good sense to send teenaged boys off with homosexual men. This is no aspersion against homosexuals, except insofar as they are men, and we know enough about men to understand that some of them find teenagers sexually attractive, and the older and more mature-looking these teenagers, the easier it becomes for seemingly decent men to violate them while pretending the act is consensual.”
Sand in the Gears » Blog Archive » Gays, Boy Scouts, and dogma
Slippery words • Home •. Gays, Boy Scouts, and dogma. February 4th, 2013 Posted in Policy and Politics. The Boy Scouts of America is considering an end to its prohibition against homosexual troop lead…
What a great anecdote.
Seth’s Blog » Blog Archive » The Clouded Crystal Ball: A Psychic and Her Employees
My first job in the U.S. was passing out flyers for a fortune teller on Powell and Market in San Francisco. She did not trust her psychic powers enough to guess who was doing a truly good job (it was …
This is good — especially the last sentence: “I think research in moral reasoning is important because understanding why good people do evil things is more important than understanding why evil people do evil things.”
If the world is just, only the guilty are tortured. So believers in a just world are more likely to think that the people who are tortured are guilty. Perhaps especially so if they experience the tort…
This is absolutely true. One key insight: “I know much of success is luck, but I never realized how much the mindset of success comes from who you know. Luckily, who you know is up to you, not luck.”
It’s all who you know? | Derek Sivers
Derek Sivers Home, Blog, About, Projects
I think panel two is my favorite.
Basic Instructions — Basic Instructions — How to Give Someone Hope
I am away from the internet for a bit, and cannot moderate comments. As such, comments are disa…