“I feel like Moses in a room full of water.” This guy cracks me up. Incidentally, the point he makes is very legit. Read The Halo Effect by Phil Rosenzweig to learn more.
Scott Adams Blog: Management/Success/Leadership: Mostly Bullshit 03/12/2013
The Official Dilbert Website featuring Scott Adams Dilbert strips, animation, mashups and more starring Dilbert, Dogbert, Wally, The Pointy Haired Boss, Alice, Asok, Dogbert’s New Ruling Class and mor…
Category: Asides
short little soundbytes
I very much liked this essay.
Finally, Economists Acknowledge That They’re Biased — Forbes
Tyler Cowen (Photo credit: Politics and Prose Bookstore) Every economist I follow has been tweeting or retweeting this Times op-ed by renowned economist and blogger Tyler Cowen which argues convincin…
I have noticed this for years — the media seems blind to the influence of the religious left but is hyper-sensitive to the religious right. It’s especially clear the Catholic church is in view — their voice is welcomed on immigration or the death penalty but marginalized on abortion and LGBT issues.
Why Are Anti-Abortion Clerics Called Theocrats, While Anti-Gun Clerics Are Not?
Imagine if a group of prominent religious leaders went to Washington, D.C., to advocate against abortion. Imagine these clerics filmed a television ad in which they made a faith-based appeal for the c…
Sadly, few of the people who most need to hear this will intuitively grasp that it is about them.
Dilbert comic strip for 03/19/2013 from the official Dilbert comic strips archive.
The Official Dilbert Website featuring Scott Adams Dilbert strips, animation, mashups and more starring Dilbert, Dogbert, Wally, The Pointy Haired Boss, Alice, Asok, Dogbert’s New Ruling Class and mor…
File under “things you did not expect to learn about today” — Between 2002 and 2010, an estimated 17 616 patients presented to US EDs with trouser zip injuries to the genitals. The penis was almost always the only genital organ involved. Zip injuries represented nearly one-fifth of all penile injuries.
Zip-related genital injury. [BJU Int. 2013] — PubMed — NCBI
PubMed comprises more than 22 million citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals, and online books. Citations may include links to full-text content from PubMed Central an…
What an interesting way to think about writing short stories.
I had a good day pounding away at Hawk, and then learned that my short story, “Playing God” has sold to this anthology. So, I’m feeling pretty good, and I’m thinking about Roger Zelazny, and I’m r.…..
Hey — this is in front of Memorial Church at Stanford University. Nice!
Dunken K Bliths originally shared this post:
kapow.……#tgif #friday #weekend #dunkpunked
Animated by +Dunken K Bliths
This is a bit insider-ish, but is pretty helpful if you’re familiar with the debate about supernatural gifts in the modern church.
NT prophecy is for today and is NOT authoritative
None of these reasons listed below are unique to me, but I thought I would collect and restate them here for you. One of the best writers on this subject is Wayne Grudem, and though I have not gone ba…
“First, you need to preach the text in its scriptural context; second, you need to preach Christ and the gospel every time; and finally, you need to preach to the heart. Put another way, you should preach the truth, not just your opinion; you should preach the good news, not just good advice; and you should preach to make the truth real to the heart, not just clear to the mind.”
Preaching that Cuts to the Heart
I can easily imagine some (especially younger) preachers will aspire to imitate my method and miss the underlying principle.I can easily imagine some (especially younger) preachers will aspire to imit…
This was quite interesting: http://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2013/02/the-epic-surprisingly-sexist-fight-that-brought-the-minimum-wage-to-america/273161/?google_editors_picks=true
The Epic, Surprisingly Sexist Fight That Brought the Minimum Wage to America
Guaranteeing workers 25 cents an hour two decades, a public scandalized by prostitution, a states’-rights rebellion, a Great Depression, a Supreme Court battle, and a lot of patriarchy.