I rate the zinger at the end as worthy of a British Prime Minister. Such cleverness is rare.
Facts about Britain and France and Belgium
Britain’s Royal Air Force now has just a quarter of the number of combat aircraft it had in the 1970s. The Royal Navy has 19 destroyers and frigates, compared with 69 in 1977. The British army is sche…
Category: Asides
short little soundbytes
This is a bit insider-ish, but is pretty helpful if you’re familiar with the debate about supernatural gifts in the modern church.
NT prophecy is for today and is NOT authoritative
None of these reasons listed below are unique to me, but I thought I would collect and restate them here for you. One of the best writers on this subject is Wayne Grudem, and though I have not gone ba…
“First, you need to preach the text in its scriptural context; second, you need to preach Christ and the gospel every time; and finally, you need to preach to the heart. Put another way, you should preach the truth, not just your opinion; you should preach the good news, not just good advice; and you should preach to make the truth real to the heart, not just clear to the mind.”
Preaching that Cuts to the Heart
I can easily imagine some (especially younger) preachers will aspire to imitate my method and miss the underlying principle.I can easily imagine some (especially younger) preachers will aspire to imit…
I am pleased by this finding, although I would not have predicted it.
Americans Far More Connected to Local Church than Any Other Institution
Rasmussen finds local religious institutions rank first (54%), making local charities and recreational groups (12%) a distant second.
This is crazy awesome rambling/musing. I could read Scott Adams all day.
Scott Adams Blog: Market Manipulators — Clarification 03/04/2013
The Official Dilbert Website featuring Scott Adams Dilbert strips, animation, mashups and more starring Dilbert, Dogbert, Wally, The Pointy Haired Boss, Alice, Asok, Dogbert’s New Ruling Class and mor…
Unexpected (at least by me).
Location matters for online education: most students enroll in institutions within 100 miles from home. The link is here, the source is here.
How have I not heard of this? This seems like a basic fact to know.
Jeffrey Sachs on Obama and discretionary spending
…the surprising truth is that from the start of his presidency Mr Obama has planned a steep decrease in discretionary spending as a share of national income. Each year he has put a budget on the table…
The level to which opponents of same-sex marriage are misunderstood (and thereby misrepresented) on this issue (and a host of others) is staggering.
mollie | Catholicism, Evangelicals, Marriage & family, Politics, Religion, Same-sex marriage, Social Issues, Uncategorized
I love Brust’s novels, but I usually find his philosophizing to be unpersuasive. Every once in a while, though, he drops a gem. I think his point here is indeed disputable (there is a difference between falsifiable in principle and falsifiable at the moment), but I also think that there is more philosophy in science than some would like to think. We still call them Ph.D.s for a reason.
I know science–both the discoveries and method of–are important to me. I know that I believe we ought to deduce natural laws from the facts, as opposed to imposing them on the facts. I know tha.…..
Huh. Neat observation.
Jesus did what he taught his disciples to do.
Here is a great post by Steve Addision, the author of a great new book “What Jesus Started”. Check out his blog, It is awesome! Finding “persons of peace” is an important element in most disciple m.…..