Searching the Net More Efficiently

I just ran across a cool site: KwMap. In their own words is a complex keyword refining tool, aiming to help you discover new keywords. It is a fact that search engines can only help you in finding something if you know the right keywords.

The results look pretty neat. Here’s a search on Stanford and here’s one on Chi Alpha.

If you prefer a more timely search, here’s one on Iraq.

Textbooks Too Expensive?

The New York Times just ran an interesting article about how the same textbooks you’re using at Stanford sell for half as much overseas. As a result, some students have started ordering their textbooks from England (or even Singapore) and having them shipped here.

Many students, individually, have begun to compare the textbook prices posted on American sites like, with the lower prices for the same books on foreign sites like

The differences are often significant: “Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry, Third Edition,” for example, lists for $146.15 on the American Amazon site, but can be had for $63.48, plus $8.05 shipping, from the British one. And “Linear System Theory and Design, Third Edition” is $110 in the United States, but $41.76, or $49.81 with shipping, in Britain.

Read the whole story.

Interesting News Snippets

It’s been a while since I’ve posted anything totally random, so prepare to be entertained and informed:

1) Hollywood Meets the Pews: In the middle of it all was Jonathan Bock, a unique Hollywood publicist who keeps underlining one big statistic for studio leaders — week after week roughly five times as many people go to church as attend movies. In the past three years, his Grace Hill Media operation has helped promote 30 mainstream movies in religious media, from small films such as “A Walk to Remember” to epics such as “The Lord of the Rings.”

2) Monkeys Control Robotic Arm With Brain Implants (no, really): At first, Nicolelis said, the monkey kept moving the joystick, not realizing that her own brain was now solely in charge of the arm’s movements. Then, he said, an amazing thing happened. 

“We’re looking, and she stops moving her arm,” he said, “but the cursor keeps playing the game and the robot arm is moving around.” 

The animal was controlling the robot with its thoughts. 

“We couldn’t speak. It was dead silence,” Nicolelis said. “No one wanted to verbalize what was happening. And she continued to do that for almost an hour.” 

3) Martial Arts Expert Kills Two Raiders: Chinese martial arts expert was in custody yesterday after turning the tables on four burglars armed with knives, killing two of them and seriously wounding a third. The 28-year-old man, known as “the doctor” for his practice of acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine, managed to seize one of the two knives carried by his assailants and saw off the entire group with the ferocity of his reaction. The moral of the story: you just never know whose house you’re breaking into…

Anyway, I found those fascinating. I hope you do, too.

Stanford Martial Arts

I was on campus today when all of a sudden the greenspace between Tresidder Union and White Plaza became a combat zone.

It was pretty cool.

The martial arts clubs were out recruiting by demonstrating their slickest moves.

I learned something important today–don’t mess with the Kempo Karate club at Stanford. They scare me.

The other groups were pretty impressive too, especially the Wushu Club.

Side note: people sometimes wonder why there are so many Christian organizations on your typical campus when they all agree on the basics. One might as well ask why there are so many martial arts organizations when they all focus on the same things (wearing funny clothes and fighting one another). We disagree on some techniques and a few philosophical premises. Differentiation is not a big deal, nor is it unique to religious organizations.

The Vicissitudes of Organizational Life on Campus

In Campus Collisions, Christianity Today tells the story of the recent troubles Christian organizations have had on campuses.

The lead paragraphs: THE HARVARD UNDERGRADUATE COUNCIL was working its way through a night of routine business last November when sophomore Jason Lurie, an officer of the Harvard Secular Society and a member of the council, dropped his bombshell. Did the Undergraduate Council realize, he asked, that it was approving grants to openly discriminatory organizations?

The organizations were the more than 50-year-old Harvard-Radcliffe Christian Fellowship (HRCF) and the much newer Harvard Asian Baptist Student Koinonia (ABSK). Clauses in their constitutions specified that their leadersthough not their membersmust affirm an evangelical Christian statement of faith.

Really well-written article by a former InterVarsity staffer.

Daily Bible Readings

I woke up early this morning and had this thought about daily Bible reading plans (namely, that it would be good to have one on our website).

So I added it on the top left of the screen. Just wanted to draw your attention to it.

I figured it would be pretty easy to set one up using PHP and MySQL, but I didn’t want to have to do a ton of data entry. Rather than reinventing the wheel, I searched for an online tabulation of Bible readings. I found a good one at

I copied the plan into Word and used the search and replace features to format all the readings into 364 SQL INSERT statements (the number of readings in this plan). I added two more (thereby insuring that the database always has the data that I query for even in a leap year. Side note: I picked these somewhat at random and they’re probably not great choices, especially the Matthew reading).

Then I created some quick PHP code to take the current day of the year and look up the corresponding reading. I took the output and made it compatible with Bible Gateway and voila–an easy online Bible reading plan!

The code was very straightforward: 


$link = mysql_connect(*put your own info here*);

mysql_select_db(*your database*);

$sql=sprintf(“SELECT * FROM bible_reading WHERE day=’%d’ ”,$day);


$line = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC);





printf(“Bible Reading for %s”,date(‘l F jS’));


That’s pretty much it. It turned out to be a piece of cake!

The data entry would have been horrible–but I was able to avoid that hassle. If you need the SQL statements for any reason, you can use these:

CREATE TABLE ‘bible_reading‘ (
‘day‘ int(11) NOT NULL default ‘0’,
‘passage‘ varchar(255) NOT NULL default ”,

# Dumping data for table ‘bible_reading‘

INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (1, ‘Romans 1–2’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (2, ‘Genesis 1–3’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (3, ‘Joshua 1–5’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (4, ‘Psalms 1–2’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (5, ‘Job 1–2’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (6, ‘Isaiah 1–6’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (7, ‘Matthew 1–2’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (8, ‘Romans 3–4’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (9, ‘Genesis 4–7’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (10, ‘Joshua 6–10’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (11, ‘Psalms 3–5’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (12, ‘Job 3–4’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (13, ‘Isaiah 7–11’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (14, ‘Matthew 3–4’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (15, ‘Romans 5–6’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (16, ‘Genesis 8–11’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (17, ‘Joshua 11–15’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (18, ‘Psalms 6–8’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (19, ‘Job 5–6’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (20, ‘Isaiah 12–17’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (21, ‘Matthew 5–7’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (22, ‘Romans 7–8’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (23, ‘Genesis 12–15’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (24, ‘Joshua 16–20’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (25, ‘Psalms 9–11’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (26, ‘Job 7–8’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (27, ‘Isaiah 18–22’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (28, ‘Matthew 8–10’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (29, ‘Romans 9–10’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (30, ‘Genesis 16–19’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (31, ‘Joshua 21–24’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (32, ‘Psalms 12–14’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (33, ‘Job 9–10’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (34, ‘Isaiah 23–28’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (35, ‘Matthew 11–13’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (36, ‘Romans 11–12’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (37, ‘Genesis 20–23’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (38, ‘Judges 1–6’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (39, ‘Psalms 15–17’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (40, ‘Job 11–12’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (41, ‘Isaiah 29–33’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (42, ‘Matthew 14–16’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (43, ‘Romans 13–14’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (44, ‘Genesis 24–27’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (45, ‘Judges 7–11’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (46, ‘Psalms 18–20’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (47, ‘Job 13–14’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (48, ‘Isaiah 34–39’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (49, ‘Matthew 17–19’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (50, ‘Romans 15–16’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (51, ‘Genesis 28–31’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (52, ‘Judges 12–16’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (53, ‘Psalms 21–23’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (54, ‘Job 15–16’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (55, ‘Isaiah 40–44’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (56, ‘Matthew 20–22’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (57, ‘1 Corinthians 1–2’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (58, ‘Genesis 32–35’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (59, ‘Judges 17–21’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (60, ‘Psalms 24–26’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (61, ‘Job 17–18’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (62, ‘Isaiah 45–50’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (63, ‘Matthew 23–25’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (64, ‘1 Corinthians 3–4’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (65, ‘Genesis 36–39’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (66, ‘Ruth’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (67, ‘Psalms 27–29’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (68, ‘Job 19–20’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (69, ‘Isaiah 51–55’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (70, ‘Matthew 26–28’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (71, ‘1 Corinthians 5–6’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (72, ‘Genesis 40–43’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (73, ‘1 Samuel 1–5’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (74, ‘Psalms 30–32’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (75, ‘Job 21–22’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (76, ‘Isaiah 56–61’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (77, ‘Mark 1–2’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (78, ‘1 Corinthians 7–8’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (79, ‘Genesis 44–47’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (80, ‘1 Samuel 6–10’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (81, ‘Psalms 33–35’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (82, ‘Job 23–24’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (83, ‘Isaiah 62–66’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (84, ‘Mark 3–4’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (85, ‘1 Corinthians 9–10’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (86, ‘Genesis 48–50’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (87, ‘1 Samuel 11–15’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (88, ‘Psalms 36–38’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (89, ‘Job 25–26’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (90, ‘Jeremiah 1–6’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (91, ‘Mark 5–6’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (92, ‘1 Corinthians 11–12’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (93, ‘Exodus 1–4’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (94, ‘1 Samuel 16–20’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (95, ‘Psalms 39–41’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (96, ‘Job 27–28’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (97, ‘Jeremiah 7–11’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (98, ‘Mark 7–8’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (99, ‘1 Corinthians 13–14’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (100, ‘Exodus 5–8’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (101, ‘1 Samuel 21–25’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (102, ‘Psalms 42–44’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (103, ‘Job 29–30’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (104, ‘Jeremiah 12–16’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (105, ‘Mark 9–10’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (106, ‘1 Corinthians 15–16’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (107, ‘Exodus 9–12’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (108, ‘1 Samuel 26–31’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (109, ‘Psalms 45–47’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (110, ‘Job 31–32’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (111, ‘Jeremiah 17–21’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (112, ‘Mark 11–12’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (113, ‘2 Corinthians 1–3’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (114, ‘Exodus 13–16’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (115, ‘2 Samuel 1–4’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (116, ‘Psalms 48–50’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (117, ‘Job 33–34’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (118, ‘Jeremiah 22–26’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (119, ‘Mark 13–14’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (120, ‘2 Corinthians 4–5’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (121, ‘Exodus 17–20’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (122, ‘2 Samuel 5–9’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (123, ‘Psalms 51–53’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (124, ‘Job 35–36’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (125, ‘Jeremiah 27–31’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (126, ‘Mark 15–16’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (127, ‘2 Corinthians 6–8’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (128, ‘Exodus 21–24’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (129, ‘2 Samuel 10–14’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (130, ‘Psalms 54–56’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (131, ‘Job 37–38’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (132, ‘Jeremiah 32–36’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (133, ‘Luke 1–2’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (134, ‘2 Corinthians 9–10’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (135, ‘Exodus 25–28’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (136, ‘2 Samuel 15–19’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (137, ‘Psalms 57–59’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (138, ‘Job 39–40’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (139, ‘Jeremiah 37–41’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (140, ‘Luke 3–4’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (141, ‘2 Corinthians 11–13’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (142, ‘Exodus 29–32’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (143, ‘2 Samuel 20–24’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (144, ‘Psalms 60–62’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (145, ‘Job 41–42’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (146, ‘Jeremiah 42–46’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (147, ‘Luke 5–6’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (148, ‘Galatians 1–3’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (149, ‘Exodus 33–36’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (150, ‘1 Kings 1–4’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (151, ‘Psalms 63–65’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (152, ‘Proverbs 1’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (153, ‘Jeremiah 47–52’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (154, ‘Luke 7–8’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (155, ‘Galatians 4–6’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (156, ‘Exodus 37–40’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (157, ‘1 Kings 5–9’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (158, ‘Psalms 66–68’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (159, ‘Proverbs 2–3’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (160, ‘Lamentations’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (161, ‘Luke 9–10’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (162, ‘Ephesians 1–3’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (163, ‘Leviticus 1–3’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (164, ‘1 Kings 10–13’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (165, ‘Psalms 69–71’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (166, ‘Proverbs 4’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (167, ‘Ezekiel 1–6’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (168, ‘Luke 11–12’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (169, ‘Ephesians 4–6’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (170, ‘Leviticus 4–6’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (171, ‘1 Kings 14–18’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (172, ‘Psalms 72–74’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (173, ‘Proverbs 5–6’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (174, ‘Ezekiel 7–12’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (175, ‘Luke 13–14’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (176, ‘Philippians 1–2’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (177, ‘Leviticus 7–9’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (178, ‘1 Kings 19–22’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (179, ‘Psalms 75–77’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (180, ‘Proverbs 7’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (181, ‘Ezekiel 13–18’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (182, ‘Luke 15–16’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (183, ‘Philippians 3–4’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (184, ‘Leviticus 10–12’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (185, ‘2 Kings 1–5’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (186, ‘Psalms 78–80’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (187, ‘Proverbs 8–9’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (188, ‘Ezekiel 19–24’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (189, ‘Luke 17–18’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (190, ‘Colossians 1–2’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (191, ‘Leviticus 13–15’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (192, ‘2 Kings 6–10’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (193, ‘Psalms 81–83’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (194, ‘Proverbs 10’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (195, ‘Ezekiel 25–30’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (196, ‘Luke 19–20’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (197, ‘Colossians 3–4’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (198, ‘Leviticus 16–18’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (199, ‘2 Kings 11–15’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (200, ‘Psalms 84–86’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (201, ‘Proverbs 11–12’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (202, ‘Ezekiel 31–36’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (203, ‘Luke 21–22’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (204, ‘1 Thessalonians 1–3’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (205, ‘Leviticus 19–21’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (206, ‘2 Kings 16–20’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (207, ‘Psalms 87–89’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (208, ‘Proverbs 13’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (209, ‘Ezekiel 37–42’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (210, ‘Luke 23–24’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (211, ‘1 Thessalonians 4–5’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (212, ‘Leviticus 22–24’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (213, ‘2 Kings 21–25’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (214, ‘Psalms 90–92’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (215, ‘Proverbs 14–15’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (216, ‘Ezekiel 43–48’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (217, ‘John 1–2’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (218, ‘2 Thessalonians’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (219, ‘Leviticus 25–27’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (220, ‘1 Chronicles 1–4’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (221, ‘Psalms 93–95’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (222, ‘Proverbs 16’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (223, ‘Daniel 1–6’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (224, ‘John 3–4’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (225, ‘1 Timothy 1–3’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (226, ‘Numbers 1–4’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (227, ‘1 Chronicles 5–9’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (228, ‘Psalms 96–98’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (229, ‘Proverbs 17–18’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (230, ‘Daniel 7–12’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (231, ‘John 5–6’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (232, ‘1 Timothy 4–6’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (233, ‘Numbers 5–8’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (234, ‘1 Chronicles 10–14’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (235, ‘Psalms 99–101’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (236, ‘Proverbs 19’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (237, ‘Hosea 1–7’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (238, ‘John 7–9’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (239, ‘2 Timothy 1–2’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (240, ‘Numbers 9–12’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (241, ‘1 Chronicles 15–19’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (242, ‘Psalms 102–104’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (243, ‘Proverbs 20–21’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (244, ‘Hosea 8–14’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (245, ‘John 10–12’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (246, ‘2 Timothy 3–4’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (247, ‘Numbers 13–16’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (248, ‘1 Chronicles 20–24’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (249, ‘Psalms 105–107’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (250, ‘Proverbs 22’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (251, ‘Joel’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (252, ‘John 13–15’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (253, ‘Titus’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (254, ‘Numbers 17–20’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (255, ‘1 Chronicles 25–29’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (256, ‘Psalms 108–110’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (257, ‘Proverbs 23–24’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (258, ‘Amos 1–4’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (259, ‘John 16–18’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (260, ‘Philemon’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (261, ‘Numbers 21–24’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (262, ‘2 Chronicles 1–5’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (263, ‘Psalms 111–113’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (264, ‘Proverbs 25’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (265, ‘Amos 5–9’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (266, ‘John 19–21’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (267, ‘Hebrews 1–4’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (268, ‘Numbers 25–28’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (269, ‘2 Chronicles 6–10’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (270, ‘Psalms 114–116’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (271, ‘Proverbs 26–27’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (272, ‘Obadiah’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (273, ‘Acts 1–2’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (274, ‘Hebrews 5–7’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (275, ‘Numbers 29–32’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (276, ‘2 Chronicles 11–15’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (277, ‘Psalms 117–118’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (278, ‘Proverbs 28’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (279, ‘Jonah’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (280, ‘Acts 3–4’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (281, ‘Hebrews 8–10’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (282, ‘Numbers 33–36’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (283, ‘2 Chronicles 16–20’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (284, ‘Psalms 119’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (285, ‘Proverbs 29–30’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (286, ‘Micah’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (287, ‘Acts 5–6’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (288, ‘Hebrews 11–13’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (289, ‘Deuteronomy 1–3’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (290, ‘2 Chronicles 21–24’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (291, ‘Psalms 120–121’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (292, ‘Proverbs 31’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (293, ‘Nahum’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (294, ‘Acts 7–8’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (295, ‘James 1–3’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (296, ‘Deuteronomy 4–6’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (297, ‘2 Chronicles 25–28’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (298, ‘Psalms 122–124’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (299, ‘Ecclesiastes 1–2’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (300, ‘Habakkuk’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (301, ‘Acts 9–10’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (302, ‘James 4–5’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (303, ‘Deuteronomy 7–9’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (304, ‘2 Chronicles 29–32’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (305, ‘Psalms 125–127’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (306, ‘Ecclesiastes 3–4’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (307, ‘Zephaniah’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (308, ‘Acts 11–12’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (309, ‘1 Peter 1–3’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (310, ‘Deuteronomy 10–12’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (311, ‘2 Chronicles 33–36’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (312, ‘Psalms 128–130’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (313, ‘Ecclesiastes 5–6’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (314, ‘Haggai’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (315, ‘Acts 13–14’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (316, ‘1 Peter 4–5’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (317, ‘Deuteronomy 13–15’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (318, ‘Ezra 1–5’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (319, ‘Psalms 131–133’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (320, ‘Ecclesiastes 7–8’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (321, ‘Zechariah 1–7’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (322, ‘Acts 15–16’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (323, ‘2 Peter’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (324, ‘Deuteronomy 16–19’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (325, ‘Ezra 6–10’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (326, ‘Psalms 134–136’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (327, ‘Ecclesiastes 9–10’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (328, ‘Zechariah 8–14’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (329, ‘Acts 17–18’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (330, ‘1 John 1–3’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (331, ‘Deuteronomy 20–22’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (332, ‘Nehemiah 1–4’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (333, ‘Psalms 137–139’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (334, ‘Ecclesiastes 11–12’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (335, ‘Malachi’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (336, ‘Acts 19–20’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (337, ‘1 John 4–5’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (338, ‘Deuteronomy 23–25’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (339, ‘Nehemiah 5–9’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (340, ‘Psalms 140–142’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (341, ‘Song of Solomon 1–2’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (342, ‘Revelation 1–6’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (343, ‘Acts 21–22’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (344, ‘2 John’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (345, ‘Deuteronomy 26–28’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (346, ‘Nehemiah 10–13’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (347, ‘Psalms 143–145’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (348, ‘Song of Solomon 3–4’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (349, ‘Revelation 7–11’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (350, ‘Acts 23–24’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (351, ‘3 John’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (352, ‘Deuteronomy 29–31’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (353, ‘Esther 1–5’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (354, ‘Psalms 146–148’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (355, ‘Song of Solomon 5–6’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (356, ‘Revelation 12–17’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (357, ‘Acts 25–26’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (358, ‘Jude’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (359, ‘Deuteronomy 32–34’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (360, ‘Esther 6–10’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (361, ‘Psalms 149–150’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (362, ‘Song of Solomon 7–8’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (363, ‘Revelation 18–22’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (364, ‘Acts 27–28’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (365, ‘Matthew 5–7’);
INSERT INTO ‘bible_reading‘ VALUES (366, ‘John 1’);

Take Hope, Math Majors!

Aoccdrnig to rscheearch at an Elingsh uinervtisy, it deosn’t mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, olny taht the frist and lsat ltteres are at the rghit pcleas. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae we do not raed ervey lteter by ilstef, but the wrod as a wlohe.

This is all over the net, and I don’t know who originated it (but I do know the author was clever).

Before you get taken in by it, notice that there are heavy contextual clues built into each sentence and that all words of three letters or less are left in correct order. It’s interesting (and worth posting on the dorm bulletin board), but I wouldn’t cite it in any papers if I was you.

Anyway, welcome to Stanford (or welcome back, depending on who you are).

If you’re a new student, you might want to check out our advice on living with a roommate.

10 College Temptations

I just ran across a great article: Off To College: 10 Temptations and Strategies For Beating Them.

The temptations covered:
1) Letting your relationship with God slide
2) Doubting your faith
3) Buying into the “no moral absolutes” lie
4) Giving in to promiscuity
5) Par-tay!
6) Fit in!
7) Body and food obsessions
8) Money madness
9) Making college idols
10) Cheating and giving up

Read the article for the remedies!

Some Random News And Comments

If you’re a new student, welcome! We periodically take time to comment on funny things happening in the world and on the web. God likes laughter, and so we try to oblige Him.

1) Have you seen the photos of whale flatulence? I’m not kidding–you’ve got to check this out: Whale Flatulence Stuns Scientists

2) Regarding the blackout in the NE: I expect to find a giant dead squirrel when it’s all over (squirrels are, I am told, the number once cause of power outages in America).

3) If you’re not already a fan, you really should check out the Strong Bad emails.

4) Finally, in case you were wondering, Compaq explains where to find the “Any” key.

We return you to your regularly scheduled web browsing.