Former Stanford Provost Condoleeza Rice discusses her faith

Just a quick aside about Condoleeza Rice and her faith in Jesus.

There’s a fascinating excerpt from a Sunday School lesson taught by Condoleeza Rice in which she discusses her faith in God. If you didn’t know, she was the provost (chief budget and administrative officer) of Stanford prior to becoming National Security Advisor.

Dr. Rice is a believer, and since she’s been so closely acquainted with Stanford I thougth the interview was worthy of mention. Thanks to blogs4God for the link.

Just another example of Stanford changing the world!

Just Thinking…

In which Glen clambers atop The Thinker’s pedestal and begins to muse…

Yeahthats me atop the pedestal that usually holds The Thinker. We were walking across campus and I saw that it was temporarily vacant, so I just had to jump up and have my photo snapped!

Doing a little research, I learned that Auguste Rodin originally created The Thinker as part of his masterpiece The Gates of Hell. The figure sat atop the gates and reflected on the fate of the damned.

Yikes! I suppose that makes Stanford a good site for The Thinkertheres certainly an ample supply of lost souls to ponder.

And so Paula and I are here to give him less to think about. Pray for us as we represent Christ on this strategic mission field!

Incidentally, youve probably seen The Thinker at other locations: thats because there are 25 castings of the famous enlarged version.

Sculpture follows different rules for reproduction than other art forms: there are several originals. That was news to me: if you’re interested read more here.

Join The MP3 Discussion!

I’ve just kicked off a discussion over at The Idea Exchange (national Chi Alpha’s peer-learning site) about the ethics of downloading music and movies.

You can find the discussion (along with a poll) over there, so why not join in the fray?

My initial posting poses three questions:
1) What is the law?
2) What should the law be?
3) What should we do?

Stanford Students Are Very Happy

Some factoids about Stanford from a national survey.

Stanford students are the 12th happiest students in America.

How interesting. A few thoughts:

1) We beat Cal by 7 points. 🙂
2) I wonder what measure they used to determine happiness? Is it related to the fact that we’re the 19th most gay school in America?

According to this survey, we’re also one of the most Democratic schools in America.

We also have the 13th nicest dorms in America, the 15th most beautiful campus, and the 15th best relationship with our host community (which makes me think the surveyists were smoking crack, because the town/gown relations here seem a might strained to me…).

I would never have found this survey had not Andrew Careaga lamented his school’s despair and Mean Dean pontificated on his professorial possibilities. Thanks!

Churches Close To Stanford

sorted by proximity to campus

Highway Community
across the street from campus

Menlo Park Presbyterian Church
about 2 miles from campus (Menlo Park)

Pathway Church
about 3 miles from campus (Palo Alto)

Grace Presbyterian
about 3 miles from campus (Palo Alto)

Abundant Life Christian Fellowship
about 5 miles from campus (Menlo Park)

Peninsula Christian Center
about 7 miles from campus (Redwood City)

Southbay Christian Center
about 7 miles from campus (Mountain View)

Vineyard Christian Fellowship of the Peninsula
about 7 miles from campus (Palo Alto)

Generations Church
about 8 miles from campus (San Carlos)

Mid-Peninsula Vineyard Christian Church
about 9 miles from campus (San Carlos)

Community Church of Santa Clara
about 10 miles from campus (Santa Clara)

Fully Alive Community Church
about 11 miles from campus (Redwood Shores)

Abundant Life Assembly of God
about 13 miles from campus (Cupertino)

Neighborhood Church
about 15 miles from campus (Santa Clara)

Jubilee Christian Center
about 17 miles from campus (San Jose)

Bethel Church
about 19 miles from campus (San Jose)

Three Cities Assembly
about 20 miles from campus (Burlingame)

International Assembly of God
about 20 miles from campus (Burlingame, meets Saturday nights)

Crossroads Community Church
about 25 miles from campus (San Bruno)

The River Church Community
about 25 miles from campus (San Jose)

Family Community Church
about 30 miles from campus (San Jose)

Non-English Speaking Churches If you’re an international student or are just wanting to hone your language skills, you might also want to consider these. sorted by proximity to campus

First Fijian Assembly of God
(650) 566‑9920
about 5 miles from campus (Palo Alto)

Cal Star Christian Assembly (Japanese)
(408) 296‑2480
about 18 miles from campus (San Jose) (also has English service)

Arabic Christian Fellowship
(650) 372‑9518
about 20 miles from campus (Burlingame)

How God Uses Search Engines

In which God uses a search engine to connect us with a student!

the following is a rough paraphrase of a very cool encounter that occured just hours ago

The scene: I’m sitting at my desk, thinking about what to put on our web site when I receive a phone call:

“Hi–my name is Aileen, I’m a student at Stanford and I live in Oak Creek. I saw your website and had some questions about Chi Alpha. It looks like you believe in being filled with the Holy Spirit. Do you?”

Me: “Wow. [long conversation, skip a lot of stuff] How did you come across our website?”

Aileen: “I did a search for Oak Creek Apartments and your website came up.”

The bottom line: we wound up inviting Aileen (a Singaporean Ph. D. student studying the biology of cancer) over for supper. We had a great time!

God is continuing to arrange divine appointments for us to facilitate ministry among the students at Stanford!

Bio‑X: The Stanford Superhero Center (not really)

Bio‑X, defender of liberty, champion of justice, research program at Stanford!

I just found out that Stanford has a center called Bio‑X.

Is it just me, or does that sound like some sort of shapeshifting superhero?

In reality, Bio‑X is arguably the most ambitious interdisciplinary bioscience research effort in the world. (source)

There’s an interview with Matthew Scott, chair of Bio‑X, on the Stanford website. In it, he talks about his hopes for the superhero-monikered program.

One section I found particularly interesting:
We have a bioethics expert, Hank Greely [professor of law] as a member of the Bio‑X Leadership Council, and he will be advising about this. Many issues are likely to come up — issues of access to health care, debates about the meaning, practical applications, and dangers of new technologies, or genetic privacy — all kinds of things arise, some of them ethical issues and some of them scientific issues with social impact, not strictly ethical. 

Hmm… if I had to pick ethical issues related to interdisciplinary genetic and biological research, access to health care would not be the very first thing on the top off my head.

Still, it sounds like a tremendously important research project–giving me another occasion to repeat our rallying cry–today they learn, tomorrow they lead. These future leaders must be reached with the gospel!

Random Telephone Anomalies

One of those annoying little things that can hinder ministry…

Here’s a bizarre little annoyance: no one from Stanford can dial my telephone number (or my wife’s). Whenever they try it asks for an authorization code!

I called the IT department at Stanford to let them know, and they’ve been very helpful. They seemed just as surprised at the news as I was.

Let’s see–what could account for this ministry hinderment. Could it be… Satan? (soundbyte)

A Blatant Attempt to Get Linked By Listing Blogs I Love

Some blogs I read, along with a shameless attempt to catch Mean Dean’s attention.

Here, in a blatant attempt to get linked, I’d like to mention a blog that I’ve been reading with great enjoyment for some time now: Heal Your Church Website by Mean Dean Peters.

He muses on church websites, how to make them better, and all sorts of other issues pertaining to the web (particularly the Christian corners of it). Here’s my little blurb about it (for his blurb contest): he’s a veritable microcelebrity among Christian webheads. (How’s that, Dean? note: Dean got back to me and would prefer something describing his site: try a haven from the Jesus junk cluttering the web, or an irresistible magnet for Christian webheads, or casting down every vain website that makes people think Christians are lame, or wherein a microcelebrity among Christian webheads preaches good design, or giving Christian websites a baptism of fire, or perhaps even goading Christian sites to move beyond spinning crosses. But here’s my fave: wherein a Christian webhead does battle with the forces of kitsch)

FYI: here are some other blogs I try to check on a regular basis (no particular order):
Jordon Cooper: cool Canadian minister
Andrew Careaga: author of several books & a Charismatic youth pastor I met at a conference
Nicholette Lockwood: a student from our last campus ministry (read her testimony).
Joshua Sargent: an AG pastor who stumbled across my blog
Wil Wheaton: yes, he used to play Wesley Crusher on Star Trek. No, he’s not a Christian. I just find him interesting.
Richard & Christie Browne: friends from Missouri
Joel on Software: I just like this guy’s approach to programming

And two metablogs that I visit:
Blogs 4 God: a cool collection of Christian blogs
blogdex: I’m just fascinated by this tool. It’s the Yahoo! Buzz of blogs.