Great observation: “Some advice about advice, or advice-squared: If someone tells you what they wish they would have done, listen. If they only tell you things they wouldn’t have done, ignore them, because they’ve confused regret with wisdom. When someone fantasizes about having achieved less in life instead of figuring out how to make things better, that’s more of a review of the life than the problem. Even when they’re right about the problem, they’re the wrong person to help you solve it.”

6 Important Things Nobody Tells You About Grad School

Some advice about advice, or advice-squared: If someone tells you what they wish they would have done, listen. If they only tell you things they wouldn’t have done, ignore them. 

This brief article is full of surprising statistics, including an apparent contrast between how churchgoing LGBT adults view most denominations (most think of the church as a whole as unfriendly to them) vs how they view their personal congregational experience (only 6% feel their congregation is unfriendly to them). Am I reading that correctly? Because that’s a huge contrast.

More Than 4 in 10 LGBT Adults Identify as Christians

This is a wonderful interview. There are so many great lines. My favorite may be:

Q: How are the sharks cognizant enough to keep biting people while they’re flying through the air?

A: If you were a shark and you found yourself flying through the air, wouldn’t you keep biting? I think you’d be pretty pissed about being plucked out of your nice familiar ocean where you’re king of the predators, and you’d probably take it out on whoever got in your way. Honestly, I don’t understand why people are so perplexed by this concept. The logic is undeniable.

Google for the trailer.

We asked the writer of Sharknado some very serious questions

Tonight, Syfy debuts the greatest shark disaster epic since Sharktopus. It’s called Sharknado. And yeah, it’s about a tornado — full of sharks. Thunder Levin wrote the script, and we caught up with him to ask some philosophical questions about this important film that forces us to question the very nature of reality itself.
io9: Is there any scientific basis, however tenuous, for sharknado?
Thunder Levin: Yes. There are numerous confirmed repor… 

Great thoughts by my friend Ben. My favorite bit, “Rainbows aren’t technically illusions. They are exactly what they appear to be, its just that you’re seeing different images from many microscopic objects to form the complete picture.  That’s why rainbows are so amazing!  They have nothing to hide because they are themselves a revelation!  They are proof that every beam of sunlight is made up of all the colors you can imagine, but its only when refracted through a cloud of tiny water drops that those colors split out so you can see them.”