Wow–That Had to Hurt!

A man in New Orleans was shot 25 times and lived. Here’s an excerpt from the article:

The victim was walking just before 3 a.m. when the attacker walked up to him and began firing a handgun, police said. “Once that weapon emptied, he produced a second weapon and continued to fire,” police said. “When the second weapon emptied, he produced yet a third and continued to fire.”

Read all about it!

And remember–never go walking in New Orleans at 3 a.m.

You Are Where You Live? Wow–I Must Be Rich & Cool!

Wow–I live in swankytown!

I found this link interesting: you are where you live.

Basically, you give it your zipcode, and it describes the people who live your area. For example, using my zipcode I get these results from the PRIZM system:
   Winner’s Circle
   Executive Suites
   Young Influentials
   Suburban Sprawl
   Towns & Gowns

And I get these results from the Microvision 450 data set:
   A Good Step Forward
   University USA
   Middle Years
   Upper Crust
   Urban Up And Comers

Pretty interesting stuff (and pretty accurate based on my impressions of the community).

Columbia Doctoral Student Outs Herself As A Christian

I was interested to stumble across this article: No Ordinary Path: Columbia doctoral student Lauren Winner outs herself as a Christian linked on the Christianity Today blog.

There are two things that caught my interest:
a) this young lady had a remarkable encounter with Jesus
b) it’s considered newsworthy that a doctoral candidate at a prestitgious school believes in God

Why is this newsworthy? In her words: “It is not clear,” she says carefully, “that it is intellectually respectable to be religious. And publishing a spiritual autobiography might further undercut my ability to be taken seriously.”

Don’t worry, sister–you’re not alone! There are many smart and well-educated companions on your journey of faith with Jesus.

And the Theologian of the Year Award Goes to… Buffy?

The Door (a religious humor magazine) deems Buffy the Vampire Slayer to be the Theologian of the Year. Our nation’s season of trial influenced The Door’s selection of Buffy the Vampire Slayer as Theologian of the Year. Let’s face it. In perilous times, we need someone who can not only deconstruct the problem of evil, but kick its hiney. And that means Buffy and her Scooby Gang. Read all about it!

In an interesting coincidence, Annals of Improbable Research (a science humor magazine) has just issued the 2002 Ig Nobel prizes amityville horror the divx movie online to honor people whose achievements “cannot or should not be reproduced.” [update: the official 2002 list is online with references]

Among this year’s winners are Karl Kruszelnicki, a Sydney University researcher who wrote the paper on belly-button lint. Dr Kruszelnicki, at his own expense, studied 5000 belly-button lint samples. He concluded the lint was a combination of clothing fibres and skin cells that were led to the navel, via body hair, “as all roads lead to Rome”. “Your typical generator of belly-button lint or fluff is a slightly overweight, middle-aged male with a hairy abdomen,” he said. (source)

The Thinker At Stanford (Redux)

Finally, Rodin’s ruminative reposer is restored!

As you may recall, a few weeks ago I leapt atop the pedestal that usually holds The Thinker and mused about Stanford’s spiritual condition.

I was puzzled that the pedestal was barren, but I didn’t know where The Thinker was. I was even more shocked when I later passed by the same area and saw that even the pedestal had gone missing!

It turns out that The Thinker was on tour in Australia and Singapore (which explains the barren pedestal)! Now Rodin’s ruminating reposer is restored, and he’s been given a new place on campus (which explains the missing pedestal). 

Buried in the news piece is an interesting little fact–Stanford has the third-largest collection of Rodin sculptures in the world!

Stupid Human Tricks

It’s been a few days since I posted any offbeat news items: here are some stupid human tricks.

Man Suffers Severe Burns Trying To Kill Lice: The 26-year-old doused a towel with rubbing alcohol, put it on his head and then lit a cigarette, police said. The towel caught fire and engulfed the man. He suffered burns on about 50 percent of his body, police said. Ouch–that had to hurt!

Canadian Man Tries To Bungee Jump Onto Ship–But His Cord Is Too Long: William Dean Sullivan miscalculated the ship’s speed and suffered minor head injuries on Sunday when he bounced off its tennis court, volleyball net and a deck railing, before being left dangling in mid-air as the ship sailed away, Vancouver Police said. Police said Sullivan has planned to bungee jump from the Lions Gate Bridge, which spans the entrance to Vancouver harbor, stopping just above the passing ship so he could then lower himself a short distance to the deck. That couldn’t have felt much better…

Finally, Man Clips 153 Clothespins To His Face For World Record: Garry said that attaching the pegs to his cheeks hurt the most and afterwards you could see he was in a lot of pain. There were marks on his skin that he said would last an hour and he had to keep rubbing his face. Aagh–what is it with people hurting themselves? I feel pain just reading these stories!

Christian Big Sib/Little Sib Program

Here’s a message from United in Christ: Christian Brothers and Sisters (CBS) pairs incoming Stanford students with older students to form a sibling family that offers each of its members the opportunity for encouragement in his or her own walk with the Lord, fellowship with fellow believers, and connection with campus ministries. John 13:34–35

Christian little sibs:
— receive encouragement and guidance in the adjustment to life at Stanford in a positive, personal, and fun manner that glorifies God.

- build relationships with their brothers and sisters in Christ by hanging out informally as a sib family.
— meet fellow Christian classmates by accompanying their sibs to campus-wide events that bring together the entire Christian family at Stanford.

If you’d like to be a little sib, email the following to

1. Name
2. Year in school (besides freshmen, transfer students are also welcome as little sibs)
3. Residence next year
4. Hometown
5. Academic interests
6. Activities/hobbies
7. Do you have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ?
8. Why do you want to be a CBS little sib?

Isn’t Belief In God Just An Accident of Birth?

Over on Boundless there’s a really great dialog between a student and a prof on the reasonableness of theism. The student is wondering if he believes just because he was raised to believe.

Here’s an excerpt:
[student] “I was talking with my friend Don. You know him.” 

[professor] “Sure. It’s through him that I know you.” 

“Well, the other day he asked whether I believe in God, and I didn’t know what to tell him.” 

“You don’t know whether God is real?” 

“It’s not that. I don’t know whether I believe in Him.” 

“Isn’t that the same thing?” 

“No. See, I do believe in God. But I don’t see why my belief should be true. So maybe I don’t believe in Him, if you see what I mean.” 

“Maybe you’re trying to say that your belief doesn’t reflect real knowledge, so even though you believe in God, you also think maybe you shouldn’t. Am I getting warm? 

“Yeah, that’s it. See, one of my other professors said that the only reason I believe in God is that I’ve been brought up that way. If I’d been brought up by pagans, probably I’d believe in lots of gods. If I’d been brought up by atheists, probably I wouldn’t believe in any god. So I have this belief but so what?”…

The rest of the dialog gives a very satistfying answer to that question!

It’s a Cat-Eat-Cat World Out There…

I just ran across two web pages that juxtapose too perfectly to pass up.

On a sad note, a stray cat was shot in the eye with a horse tranquilizer dart. The dart was 7″ long and the cat wandered around with the dart sticking out of its head for a week before being picked up by authorities. The Kansas City community is outraged.

On a funny note, that animal officer sure is lucky he didn’t pull that on these viking kittens!

Q: What does this have to do with Chi Alpha?
A: Nothing except that we have a good sense of humor!

Life in the Dorms

What life looks like in a freshman dorm at 3 AM.

I just ran across a really interesting article about life in the Stanford dorms from the perspective of a faculty member who’s been living in Donner House for 16 years.

One excerpt on the late-night scene: By day, freshmen manage the ins and outs of academic and residential life; they are dedicated students, loyal friends, committed musicians, gifted athletes, devoted community volunteers. But an RF soon learns that this everyday world is to some extent a concession on their part: theyre generally very nice people and bear us no particular grudges. Theyll play our detail- and schedule-laden game if thats what we really want. But when the adult world puts on its bathrobe and gets ready to turn in, another reality bubbles up in the hallways and lounges.

Late at night, when the everyday has lost its grip, convention, habit and expectation fall away in a general liberation from the demands of the clock. There is no etiquette for pajamaed encounters over Proust, MP3s, the Buddha, the Band. There are no courtesies between two students with toothbrushes in hand and something on their minds. During these clockless nights, students begin to find and educate themselves. The conversations are not always tony ones on religion or philosophy; students also mix it up on the design of the dorm T‑shirt, the no-car policy for frosh, the virtues of Willy Wonka, the difference between mankind and humanity. And these discussions take place in the nontraditional space of no perceptible time at all.

The late-night community students seem to create automatically is an important, perhaps even vital, rite of passage from the world of inherited ideas to the world of real thought. In this nocturnal place of chaotic challenge and revelation, new worlds can be contemplated, along with the latest crush. And it was an invitation to this conversation that I refused when I reminded Brian of the time.

Except in the classroom, most of us at the University have little to do with undergraduate life. When we do become involved, we are often representing the Universitys authority to its most insistentand sometimes troublesomestudents. As a resident fellow, Ive had my share of difficult discussions. It falls to the RF, for instance, to tell a student that, delightful person that he is, hes an ugly drunk. Or, as the caretaker of the whole community, an RF will have the unpleasant task of letting a few students know that their particular brand of hilaritysexist, homophobic, or just plain loud or smellyis a pain in the collective tush. I remember once having to remind a group of young men that when our facilities supervisor (a wonderful woman who took virtually every other thing about dorm life in stride) was in the mens bathroom, they needed to refrain from using the urinals. And I remember rather twitchily seeing the students out, carefully shutting my door and collapsing in laughterat the sheer ridiculousness of having to remind smart young people of such a normal courtesy; at the very real importance of it; and finally, at the fact that no one had ever told me Id have such a conversation in my own home.